Sources for research funding

十一月 19, 1999

Each week this section lists funds available for academic researchers. Items for inclusion should be


Earth Observation - New

Observing Techniques

The aim of the New Observing Techniques programme will be to reduce scientific uncertainties by supporting the development of prototype instruments, including those aimed at eventual aircraft and ground-based observations. Such instrumentation will provide new environmental science in its own right and offer a basis for entry into ESA (or other) space programmes.

Proposals are invited for bids for funding which will position the NERC science community to take advantage of international opportunities through: development of initial stages of novel, cost-effective observing techniques driven by the needs of environmental science; engaging industry and the scientific community at an early stage in definition of and priority for new instrument proposals to the ESA programme. Deadline: 5.00pm, December 1. Applicants should apply using the standard NERC research grants form (RG1,1999/2000), which can be downloaded from the NERC website. Enquiries should be emailed to


Grants for participation in

overseas conferences

The scheme provides grants for visits overseas where participation at a conference is the main purpose and the conference is on any scientific or technological discipline within the remit of the Royal Society. Provision is intended to complement that provided from other sources. Applications must be made at least 28 days before the date of departure. Grants are made only to applicants of at least PhD status, that is, either having been awarded a PhD or equivalent research degree or having completed at least one year of research at postdoctoral level or holding the position of lecturer or equivalent in an institution of higher education. Full details and application forms can be downloaded from the website or obtained from the Society. Deadline: December 1. Contact: Research Support Section: Tel: 0171 451 2537; Email:


Grass Fellowship in Neuroscience at The Marine Biological Laboratory

Since 1955, the Grass Foundation has supported independent research by young investigators in the field of neuroscience. The Foundation provides fellowships for scientists at the beginning of their careers. Individuals in the late predoctoral or postdoctoral category, who are academically prepared for independent research, are eligible. Priority in award of fellowship is given to those candidates with no more than five years of postdoctoral research and no prior research experience at the MBL. The normal tenure is fourteen weeks. In 2000 this period will be May 21 to August . Deadline: December 1 for candidates who wish to be considered for the coming summer. Forms available on the web, or contact: The Grass Foundation, PO Box 850250, Braintree, MA 02185-0250, USA; Fax (781) 843-0474; Email:



Translational Cancer

Research Fellowships

This fellowships scheme was launched with the aim of accelerating the translation of basic, experimental, and applied research insights into their clinical applications in the form of new drugs and treatments, and of vaccines and other effective prevention or intervention strategies. This is an invitation to potential candidates and hosts to elaborate and submit together project proposals in the bridging areas that effectively connect the cell and molecular biologists to the patients in the clinic. The award value of the 12-month long fellowship is US$ 55,000. Deadline: December 1. Application forms may be downloaded from the website or requested from: the Fellowships Department, International Union Against Cancer, 3, rue Conseil-General, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland; Tel: (4122) 809 18 40; Fax: (4122) 809 18 10; Email: fellows@



Bill Ogden Memorial Prize

The prize of Pounds 100, will be awarded to the entrant, who, in the opinion of the judges, made an important contribution to the area of Regional Studies. Where appropriate, the winning author will also be given the opportunity to submit a longer piece either to Regions or to one of the sections within Regional Studies. This is open to members and non-members of the Association. Contributions should be around 1,000 words, including references. Deadline: December 5. Request further information and an entry form from the website, or contact: The Regional Studies, Wharfdale Projects, 15 Micawber Street, London N1 7TB; Tel: 0171 490 1128; Fax: 0171 253 0095; Email:



General Research grant program

The APS makes grants towards the cost of scholarly research. This covers most kinds of scholarly inquiry by individuals leading to publication. Applicants are normally expected to have a doctorate. It is the Society's long-standing practice to encourage younger scholars. Deadline: December 1. Forms can be downloaded from the website. Written requests for application forms must indicate eligibility of both applicant and project; state the nature of the research and proposed use of the grant. Foreign nationals must specify the objects of their research, only available in the US. Include a self-addressed mailing label. Contact: Committee on Research,

American Philosophical Society, 104 South 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3387, USA.




International Design Competition

The Steedman Fellowship enables graduates to travel for architectural research and study for a period of nine months in foreign countries. The $20,000 Fellowship is based both on the quality of the selected winner's competition design entry and their research proposal. This year's competition is entitled "Bridging the Gap - Architecture in the shadow of the Arch." Candidates must be graduates of an accredited school of architecture, and be currently employed in, or have completed at least one year of practical experience in the office of a practising architect. Citizens of all countries are encouraged to compete. Registration forms (available on-line) & $75.00 application fee will be accepted up to and no later than: December 6. Competition entries & research proposal deadline: January 25, 2000. Enquiries to: Steedman Governing Committee, Washington University in St. Louis School of Architecture, One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1079, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA; Tel: 314.935.6293; Fax: 314. 935.8520; Email: steedman@arch.



Research Grants

These are two-year awards with a maximum funding level of $50,000 per year. The goals of this program are to (1) encourage promising new investigators to undertake research on regeneration and recovery, particularly with respect to the spinal cord; (2) encourage researchers who are well-established in other areas to transfer their efforts to spinal cord research; and (3) enable researchers with novel ideas to test their ideas and develop pilot data for seeking larger awards from other funding sources. Senior scientists and postdoctoral fellows may serve as principal investigator. Deadline: December 15. Forms can be downloaded from the website or contact: Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, 500 Morris Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081, USA; Tel: 973-379-2690; Fax 973-912-9433; Email:


Monbusho Research

Experience Fellowships for

Young Foreign Researchers

The British Council is looking for a number of young British scientists who wish to experience Japanese research and culture for two months next summer at an academic institution or at a company. British (UK nationals only)PhD students and recent PhD holders at British universities in the fields of science, engineering, agriculture and medicine are eligible to apply. Deadline: December 15. Application forms and further details available on the website. Enquiries to: Ms C Kigawa, Science Exchanges Officer, The British Council, 1-2 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0825, Japan; Tel: +81 3 3235 8078; Fax: +81 3 3235 8040; Email enquiries: chikako.kigawa@


Biotechnology Exploitation

Platform Challenge

Biotechnology products and processes have an increasingly important role to play in ensuring that the UK enhances its industrial competitiveness and is a leader in the race for world markets. The BEP Challenge aims to anchor the benefits of publicly funded bioscience research in the UK. It encourages syndicates of universities, academic institutions and intermediaries with complementary bioscience research to work together and build portfolios of intellectual property. Successful proposals will receive up to 50% of eligible costs for projects of up to four years. The Challenge is open to syndicates operating on a collaborative basis in Great Britain. Successful syndicates must include more than one research group. Guidance notes and entry forms are available from the DTI by telephone on 0207 215 4120 or by fax 0207 215 1379. Deadline: 12 noon,

November 30.

Compiled by Sarah Knowles. A more comprehensive version of this service can be found on our Research microsite at



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