Telecoms and IT: terms of reference for R&D under aegis of COST

二月 19, 2002

Brussels, 18 February 2002

European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research - COST Secretariat. Terms of Reference of the Technical Committee on Telecommunications, Information Science and Technology approved by the Committee of Senior Officials at its 146th meeting on 13 and 14 December 2001. Brussels, 14 February 2002 (document COST 202/1/02 REV 1). Full text

1. The Technical Committee on "Telecommunications, Information Science and Technology", hereinafter referred to as TC-TIST, is maintained for a period of three years from the expiration of its previous mandate on 25 January 2002.

The CSO shall decide whether to extend the mandate of the TC-TIST for an additional period of time and, in that case, review these Terms of Reference.

2. The TC-TIST will adopt its rules of procedure on the basis of the draft model set out in document COST/333/2/96 REV 2.

3. The TC-TIST is invited to identify, assess and prepare new COST Actions that are likely to assist the further development of European telecommunications and information systems and facilities, and to reflect the technology convergence and evolution towards and information society. Such Actions should

(i) have an innovative character and a high scientific standard and/or contribute substantially to the concertation of research efforts in that domain;

(ii) be based on careful considerations of interests, resources and budgetary consequences in the interested countries as well as assessments of the added value expected to be achieved through the concertation;

(iii) be broad and flexible enough to permit an interdisciplinary approach and later inclusion of activities not foreseen during the preparation, taking also due consideration of point 6 below;

(iv) identify and take into account R&D efforts in other fora.

4. When submitting a new Action to the CSO for approval, the TC-TIST is requested

(i) to ensure that the Technical Annex to the Memorandum of Understanding is structured as set out in the document "Guide for proposers of new COST Actions" COST 401/01,

(ii) to provide any additional information that the CSO may need for making a decision on the Action

5. The TC-TIST is requested:

(i) to follow the implementation of its COST Actions to ensure that the objectives as set out in their Memorandum of Understanding are met;

(ii) to ensure co-ordination and exchange of information, as required, between its COST Actions as well as with relevant activities in other technical committees in COST, the Community R&D Programmes, EUREKA and other European co-operative frameworks, taking into account the aspect of inter-disciplinarily, where appropriate.

6. The TC-TIST is requested to give an opinion to the CSO on any proposal pertaining to one of its COST Actions and concerning:

(i) an extension or prolongation of the Action,

(ii) a change of the title or a modification of the objectives of the Action, or

(iii) participation of a non-COST institution in the Action.

The opinion shall be given with full knowledge of the views of the Management Committee of the Action concerned; a decision on the proposal will then be taken by the CSO

The TC-TIST can advise the Actions of its domain with regard to the scientific aspects within the objectives as laid down in the respective MoU.

7. The TC-TIST is responsible for the evaluation and monitoring of its COST Actions during the lifetime and at the end of each Action, according to the guidelines for the evaluation and monitoring of COST Actions (cf. document COST 266/1/00 REV 1)

8. The TC-TIST is requested to take all the measures it considers necessary to ensure efficient dissemination and/or exploitation of the results of its COST Actions, in close co-operation with the relevant Management Committee.

9. The TC-TIST is invited to keep regular contact with the CSO and to submit reports, in principle on an annual basis, on its activities to the CSO.

10. The Technical Committee shall consult with the Commission Services on the application of resources within its domain, in order to provide the CSO with greater transparency on the allocation of budgetary appropriations in support of COST.

The consultation of Technical Committees applies to the budgetary planning process, but not to budgetary decision-making or budgetary management, which is the responsibility of the Commission.

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