Terms of Reference for the COST Technical Committee on Forestry and Forestry Products (link)

十二月 10, 2004

Brussels, 09 Dec 2004

Full text of Document 344/04
Suite of documents 344/04

1. The COST Technical Committee on Forests and Forestry Products, hereinafter referred to as the TC, is maintained from the expiration of its previous mandate until 31 December 2007.1

The CSO shall decide whether to extend the mandate of the TC for an additional period of time and, in that case, review these Terms of Reference.

2. The TC will adopt its rules of procedure on the basis of the draft model set out in doc. COST/333/2/96 REV 2.

1 Subject to such changes as the CSO may determine in the light of forthcoming domain reviews and other developments (Summary of Conclusions of the 160th CSO meeting doc. COST 341/04).

3. The TC is invited to identify, assess and prepare new COST Actions relevant to its domain. Such Actions should:

(i) have an innovative character and a high scientific standard and/or contribute substantially to the concertation of research efforts in that domain;

(ii) be based on careful considerations of interests, resources and budgetary consequences in the interested countries as well as on assessments of the added value expected to be achieved through the concertation;

(iii) be broad and flexible enough to permit an interdisciplinary approach and later


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