Oxford doctors make TB test breakthrough
A revolutionary tuberculosis test developed at Oxford University could help prevent future outbreaks and even raises hopes that the disease could one day be wiped out. The test can identify people who have the dormant infection so they can be treated with antibiotics before they develop the disease. At present, doctors have to rely on a crude test that gives false positives in people who have been vaccinated against TB.
(Daily Telegraph)
Bright beaks attract more mates
Bright beaks bring birds more mates because they are a sign of a healthy immune system, according to two studies published today by researchers from Glasgow University and the University of Burgundy in France. The research is the first direct evidence to support a popular theory of evolutionary biology: in species where males have red or orange beaks, birds with the most vivid colours attract more females because brightness is a sign of health. Both studies appear in the journal Science .
(Financial Times, Guardian, Independent)
Marketing academic and guru dies
Peter Doyle, an icon for marketing educators and researchers, has died of cancer aged 59. Doyle, professor of marketing and strategic management at Warwick University Business School since 1985, was probably Europe's best-known marketing academic and guru. He had an outstanding reputation for his teaching and research, which was coupled with his contribution to improving marketing practice in both private and public sector organisations.