Too many women doctors, says female chief
The medical profession is in danger of losing its power and influence because too many women are scaling its ranks, according to Carol Black, the president of the Royal College of Physicians.
( The Independent , The Guardian )
US animal rights man will fight British ban
A US animal rights activist said last night that he was determined to come to Britain despite a warning from the Home Office that he would be banned from entering the country. Jerry Vlasak, a surgeon, has been quoted as saying that millions of animal lives could be saved if a handful of vivisectionists were killed.
( The Daily Telegraph , The Guardian )
Oxford lab expects Army protection
Scientists and senior figures in the pharmaceutical industry have been reassured by ministers that they are ready to use the Army to stop animal rights fanatics from blocking construction of a new research facility at Oxford University.
( The Times )
Don’t walk on slugs and snails
Roy Hattersley gives his views on animal experiments.
( The Guardian )
Hope in fight against brain disorders
Incurable brain disorders such as Huntingdon’s disease could soon be treated using a revolutionary technique for ‘switching off’ disease genes. Scientists at the University of Iowa have shown that it is possible to stop a progressive brain disease in mice with a technique known as RNA interference. The findings are published in this month’s Nature Medicine .
( The Independent )
Messenger to unlock Mercury mystery
The first space mission in 30 years to Mercury is to begin this morning when the Messenger spacecraft is launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida. The craft will take nearly seven years to reach its destination.
( The Independent , The Daily Telegraph )
Graduates need degree in charisma to survive job jungle
Report on how employers are staging a ‘Darwinian war for talent’ in which only the business-savvy player makes the first rung on the ladder.
( The Daily Telegraph )
Iranian professor freed
A university professor twice condemned to death for blasphemy was released from an Iranian prison on Saturday after two years of legal battles with judges and mass demonstrations by students. Hashem Aghajari is a professor at Tehran Teachers Training University.
( The Guardian )
Business education
Focus on business education including a summer school for industry leaders and a feature on the University of Cape Town.
( Financial Times )
Articles from the weekend
Failing students passed to keep funds flowing
The head of the department of design, engineering and computing at Bournemouth University has urged his staff to raise the exam scores of borderline students to prevent them failing so that the fee income of his department is preserved.
( Sunday Times )
Report on how cash-strapped universities are awarding degrees to students who should be failed in return for lucrative fees.
( The Observer )
Inquiry finds £80,000 has vanished from funds
The Royal Academy has been thrown into chaos as it was revealed that a senior academic has resigned over allegations of fraud. Brendan Neiland has quit after an internal investigation discovered that £80,000 had vanished from funds intended for students.
( Financial Times , Evening Standard )