London, 21 December 2004
A Strategic Framework for Hydrogen Energy in the UK - final report (full version) (PDF, 3,894kB)
Index, executive summary and chapter 1 (PDF, 306kB)
Chapters 2-7 (PDF, 1,468kB)
Appendices A.1 to A.3 (PDF, 681kB)
Appendices A.4 to A.8 (PDF, 1,514kB)
Full hydrogen report (PPT, 472kB)
The DTI has been developing its Hydrogen energy strategy since late 2003. This work will have three main outputs, two of which are shown below. In summary:
* In early 2004 a report on the UK's current support in hydrogen energy identified the clear need for a framework for UK hydrogen energy activities (see below 'Report - Hydrogen Energy Support in the UK')
* In mid 2004 a team was commissioned to develop a strategic framework for hydrogen energy. This work reported to DTI in December 2004, identifying areas where hydrogen could meet major UK policy priorities. The analysis and key messages are shown below (see 'UK Hydrogen Energy Strategic Framework - Analysis')
* In February 2005 the Government intends, after careful consideration, to publish its response to the recommendations accompanying the strategic framework
Report - Hydrogen Energy Support in the UK (January 2004)
The DTI recently commissioned a report to identify current UK expertise in Hydrogen and identify what support is currently available.
E4Tech and Eoin Lees Energy undertook the report with one of the main aims to help Government examine how best to support hydrogen activities in the UK in line with the needs of the key stakeholders.
A number of key players in the Hydrogen field, from industry, academia and Government were identified and had an input into the report, thus ensuring all perspectives were taken into account.
The report makes a number of recommendations for Government and the need for continuing collaboration to take place in order to achieve policy targets and Industry priorities.
UK Hydrogen Energy Strategic Framework - Analysis (December 2004)
E4tech, Element Energy and Eoin Lees Energy completed their report in December 2004. The key message from the analysis is that for the UK, the use of hydrogen as a transport fuel offers significant opportunities for cost-competitive CO2 reduction by 2030. Six different types of transport energy chain have this potential and also offer increased energy security. None is readily available today and each would require significant changes to the energy system. However, they are sufficiently promising to be worth pursuing as energy options for the UK.
The attached report contains the analysis and measures needed to address all of the barriers to these options Dti staff are now discussing the consultants' specific recommendations with colleagues in other Government Departments, with a view to developing an agreed response. Our intention is to publish the recommendations together with the Government response at the end of February 2005.
If you would like to add your views on the attached please email: or
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Item source: http:/// /energy/sepn/hydrog en.shtml