Leukaemia screening test to be piloted in UK
A screening test that could help revolutionise the way children with leukaemia are treated is to be piloted across the UK. Experts from Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds, London and Sheffield will carry out research into a test that measures the residual cancer cells that remain after treatment for the most common form of childhood leukaemia. The research is being led by a team at the University of Bristol and the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.
Britain's butterflies benefit from eco-schemes
Fewer butterflies are dying out in Britain thanks to efforts to restore their natural habitat, new research revelaed today. A three-year study by Butterfly Conservation shows government-backed eco-schemes have slowed and even reversed the long-term decline of Britain's rarer species.
Texas Instruments invests in Leicester laboratory
Texas Instruments is investing £26,700 in a new laboratory for high-tech research on digital signal processing in the engineering department at the University of Leicester. The funding will help research students examine areas such as monitoring babies' respiration, blood flow measurements and communications.
Dundee and Korea sign collaboration agreement
Leading scientists from Dundee and Korean Universities today signed a collaboration agreement in the wake of a successful link between Dundee and the Korean Institute of Science and Technology to develop a microbial bioreactor that breaks down organic pollutants in waste water.