Universities contribute £35 billiion to economy
British universities contributed £35 billion to the economy and maintained more than half a million jobs, a report from Universities UK said today. They generated 89 jobs outside universities for every 100 internal posts in 1999-2000 and earned just under £13 billion in 1999-2000, according to Strathclyde University researchers
ESRC funds research into UK's September 11 response
Terrorism expert Paul Wilkinson of St Andrews University is to lead research into how the UK responded to September 11, in conjunction with experts at Southampton University and the Potomac Institute in the United States, in fields ranging from criminology to disaster management. The research will be funded by a £250,000 grant from the Economic and Social Research Council.
Key Scottish research collections go online
Scottish social history pamphlets, including works on slavery, temperance and the soporific effects of lettuce, have gone on show today at Glasgow University as part of an online display. It shows the results of three years' work by the Research Support Library Programme to put key Scottish research collections online and open them up to researchers and academics.
V-cs Down Under aim at 60% participation
Australian vice-chancellors are aiming at a 60 per cent participation rate by 2020, and predict that Australia will be ranked within the five top nations for levels of university education. Their first response to the government's review of higher education also suggests that higher education will join "resources" and "services" in the top three value-adding Australian exports.