Exam board parries rumour of litigation
An examination board today condemned the litigious culture that has prompted fears that boards could be sued by students over the A-levels controversy. George Turnbull, spokesman for the Assessment and Qualification Alliance, the largest of the three unitary awarding bodies, said that the only people who were likely to benefit from such a move would be lawyers.
Contact lenses increase pulling power
Nightclubbers who ditch spectacles in favour of contact lenses can increase their "pulling power" by up to 400 per cent, psychologists at the University of Warwick have found. Health psychologist June McNicholas said 38 volunteers aged 18 to 26 had taken part in the survey, which aimed to explore attitudes to eye wear after a drop in the use of contact lenses among young people.
Queen's and Dublin agree joint masters courses
Queen's University Belfast and Dublin City Univerity will sign a partnership agreement on Thursday enabling students to take a jointly taught MA in cross-border studies, and an MSc in plasma and vacuum technology. The MSc, aimed at scientists and engineers working in industry, will be delivered through the internet.