Update: 14:30

十一月 6, 2002

Universities fail to prepare students for world of work
Most students feel universities fail to prepare them for the world of work, a survey showed today. While 67 per cent said higher education should ready people for embarking on careers, less than half felt it was successful, the poll by MilkRound.com revealed. Oxbridge students were the least likely to see a degree as a means to a job, with 39 per cent of Cambridge and 47 per cent of Oxford students saying university should prepare people for earning a living. By contrast, 70 per cent of final-year undergraduates at the London School of Economics, King's College London and University College London said degrees should be work-orientated.

Paisley opens state-of-the-art sensors lab
Paisley University has opened a £200,000 state-of-the-art laboratory to develop miniature sensors. It will include further research on Paisley's award-winning gas sensor for use in the oil industry, landfill sites, sewage works or any industry where potentially explosive gases can build up.

Police seek information about UEA student assault
Police in Norwich are appealing for information after a female student at the University of East Anglia was sexually assaulted.

Court orders Katz to pay for quote fabrication
A judge in a Tel Aviv court has ordered historian Teddy Katz to pay 58,000 shekels (£7,800) to members of the Alexandroni Brigade who prosecuted Katz for "harming their good name" in his MA dissertation, "The Exodus of the Arabs from Villages at the Southern Foothills of the Carmel in 1948". The dissertation alleges that Alexandroni Brigade members took part in a "massacre" in Tantura, near Haifa, in 1948. The sum of 58,000 shekels relates to the cost of an apology letter that Katz placed in Israeli national newspapers months ago after he was accused of "fabricating quotes" in his dissertation. Katz is refusing to pay the sum. He handed in his revised thesis a month ago.

Unesco deal to help Brzail's undergraduates
The Brazilian education ministry on Monday signed an agreement with Unesco worth $9 million (£5.75 million) to raise undergraduate standards by running pre-university courses in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Bahia. The project is part of the education ministry's "Diversity at University" programme launched in September. Funding will come from the Interamerican Development Bank ($5 million) and the Brazilian government ($4 million).

Australian and Irish v-cs agree to collaborate
Australia and Ireland signed a three-year academic collaboration agreement in Melbourne last week. The agreement between the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee and the Conference of Heads of Irish Universities involves information sharing, staff and student exchanges, mutual recognition of qualifications, staff development, researcher exchange programmes and university management.



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