Brussels, March 2002
Proposed Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the control of salmonella and other food-borne zoonotic agents and amending Council Directives 64/432/EEC ,
72/462/EEC and 90/539/EEC . Outcome of proceedings of Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Public Health) on 29/30 November, 6/7 December 2001 & 13 February 2002. Brussels, 28 February 2002 (document 5485/1/02 REV 1 LIMITE 2001/0177 (COD) AGRILEG 14 CODEC 71; Nº prev. doc: 13799/1/01; No. Cion prop.: 11405/01 ­ COM(2001) 452 final). Full text
The Working Party considered the revised text of the above-mentioned Regulation contained in document 5485/02 at its meeting on 13 February 2002.
The Annex to this document contains updated text reflecting the outcome of discussions. The footnotes contain explanations of the amendments and summarise delegations' comments.