World watch

二月 16, 2001

Paolo Pasimeni, the chemistry student son of a 60-year-old chemistry professor at Padua University, clubbed his father to death in his laboratory when his forgery of examination results came to light. Pasimeni confessed that he dragged the body to a nearby courtyard and burned it beyond recognition.

The Association of African Universities has asked Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi to raise issues affecting universities across the continent with colleagues in the Organisation of African Unity.

Australian vice-chancellors have responded to allegations of soft marking for overseas and full-fee students by announcing a review of entry and assessment codes and guidelines.

The Czech Republic's oldest university student has celebrated her 100th birthday with fellow senior scholars from Prague University of the Third Age. Blanka Vavrinova has taken three university diplomas since 1988 after taking up studying following the death of her husband.

Mexico City
Mexican students who held more than 30 political science professors captive by removing their trousers and shoes, face expulsion from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Officials have recommended they should face an academic review board. The incident took place on the anniversary of the raid that ended last year's ten-month occupation of the university over the imposition of tuition fees.

Classes were due to resume at Senegal's Cheikh Anta Diop University this week after students voted to suspend their four-week lecture boycott following government concessions to most of their demands, including lower rents, cheaper meals and financial aid for students who do not qualify for scholarships.

Author and Spanish scholar Florence Delay has been elected to the Academie Francaise, the society that guards the purity of the French language. She brings the number of women serving in the 40-member academy to three, and is only the fourth woman to be appointed since Marguerite Yourcenar broke the male monopoly in 1980.



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