World watch

七月 20, 2001


High salaries and job security are no longer what future managers demand most from their careers, a survey of European management students reveals.

Carried out among almost 1,500 students at 11 of the 17 top European universities and business schools that form the Community of European Management Schools, it suggests that companies should focus more on personal development and work atmosphere if they want to recruit top graduates.


One of the four Chinese-American academics held by the Chinese government has been convicted of spying for Taiwan and ordered to be deported. Li Shaomin, a US citizen, is an associate professor of marketing at the City University of Hong Kong.

A second academic held on suspicion of spying for Taiwan is likely to be put on trial this month, according to her lawyers. Gao Zhan is a Chinese citizen with permanent US residency.


Beaver College this week assumed its new identity as Arcadia University. Graduates who want them will be issued with new diplomas.


Teaching and research at the University of Zimbabwe have been badly hit by the withdrawal of donor funding by Sweden's aid agencies, who are concerned about the deteriorating political and economic situation.

All ten faculties have been affected by a critical shortage of journals due to the withdrawal of sponsorship by Sida/Sarec.


At least 26 per cent of South African doctors who graduated between 1990 and 1997 have left the country, according to the South African Medical Association.


Scientists from Altai State University warned that the Karakurt or Mediterranean black widow spider ( Latrodectus tredecimguttatus ) numbers are on the increase in the central Asian republic. Nine people have been bitten so far. All the victims, including a 19-year-old student, survived despite the fact that life-saving serum is not available.




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