Hiring Solutions Coverage+

Drastically increase your job exposure with THE Hiring Solutions Coverage+,
a new service that cross-promotes your jobs to IHE’s website and audience.

Your university jobs seen across two of the world’s most influential and engaged communities in higher education.

  • Over 30-million unique annual visitors
  • From over 150 countries
  • Including 10-million academics, professionals
    & senior leaders
  • 500K+ email newsletter subscribers
See THE media pack

  • Over 20-million unique annual visitors
  • 80% readership from the US
  • 23% Executive Leaders, 36% Director / Manager, 28%
    Associate / Coordinator
  • 400K+ email newsletter subscribers
See IHE media pack

Subscribers to THE Hiring Solutions (Coverage+) benefit from premium job postings across THE and IHE’s websites and professional communities at a significantly reduced rate than if purchased separately.

There are various flexible packages available to suit your institutions requirements, so please contact our team today for more information.

Get in touch

Contact us today to discuss how
our team can support you