Political fabric

一月 17, 2013

I strongly disagree with T.P. Burlap of Poppleton University, who claims that David Willetts, the universities and science minister, should use graphene to construct his responses (The Poppletonian, 10 January). Being very strong, highly conductive and thus capable of standing up to all that is thrown at it, the material is totally unsuitable for use by any government minister.

Plasticine is far more suitable: it is totally opaque, the end result is capable of being interpreted in a multitude of ways depending on the observer and it is easily altered in the light of experience (or if the naughty Labour boys and girls get their hands on it and squeeze it too hard).

Many apologies to my plasticine heroes Wallace and Gromit (aka David Cameron and Nick Clegg).

John Loader, Leyburn



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