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Armenian National Agrarian University

2024 Impact Rankings
74 Teryan St, Yerevan, 0009, Armenia

关于 Armenian National Agrarian University

Armenian National Agrarian University can trace its roots to 1930 of the Armenian Agricultural Institute, based on the faculty of agriculture at the university in Armenia’s capital, Yerevan,

Students on the main Yerevan campus can use one of the oldest libraries in Armenia, with more than 550,000 volumes and with an e-library created by by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation in 2004.

Regional campuses have been incorporated at Shirak, Sisian, and Vanadzov.

The Agribusiness Centre, created in 2000, in partnership with Texas A&M University, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) offers an MBA programme while an agrarian management MBA, including time in Germany, is run with Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University, and conducted in German.

It also offers the first wine business programme in Armenia and is a leader in the national project to double tree cover by 2050.

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