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Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts

2024 Impact Rankings
Insaatcilar prospekti 39, Baku, AZ 1065, Azerbaijan

关于 Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts

Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts is Azerbaijan’s oldest having recently celebrated its centenary. It was originally founded as the Baku Theatrical College and remains the main academic institution devoted to the performing arts.

ASUCA has evolved over time from its initial concentration on theatre, acting and film-making, through the addition of fresh disciplines. It remains committed to traditions mixing classical training with innovative approaches, offering a significant number of studio-based courses where staff take hands-on roles.

Students can study across faculties of theatre arts, fine art, musical arts, culturology, and audio-visual arts.

The university does not have any student accommodation.

Students have access to the city-centre campus, close to Baku’s Central Park, via Elmlar Akademiyasi metro station and the bus network

The university is home to international students from the US, Turkey, Iran, Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan. Overseas students are offered preparatory language courses lasting six or 12 months.

A similarly international outlook is evident in the hosting of more than 200 international conferences since 2010 and agreements with 120 universities in 42 different countries. ASUCA was also one of 11 Azerbaijani universities which took part in the Erasmus+ Engage programme to encourage entrepreneurialism in higher education.

Since 2022 it has offered continuing education through its Lifelong Learning, Career Planning and Graduate Centre.

Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts 的排名数据分析
