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Binh Duong University

2022 Impact Rankings: 无贫穷
No. 504 Binh Duong Boulevard, Hiep Thanh Ward, Thu Dau Mot, Binh Duong, Vietnam

关于 Binh Duong University

Binh Duong University was established in 1997.

The university campus is located in Binh Duong, a province in south eastern Vietnam, bordering the well known Ho Chi Minh City to the south.

Students have the opportunity to study bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees, as well as flexible work/study programmes, distance learning and certificate qualifications.

A range of degrees are offered by the university including: automotive engineering technology, architecture, economic law, English language, tourism, food technology, logistics and supply chain management and biotechnology.

Students can participate in learning and activities, cultural and art clubs, cultural exchanges and activities arranged by the Youth Union and Association.

Binh Duong University 的排名数据分析
