关于 Centro Universitário Cesuca
Established in 2005, the Centro Universitário Cesuca in Brazil began first with the administration and accounting science faculty.
Faculties at the university now include architecture, design, arts and fashion; communication; law and international relations; education; engineering and technology; gastronomy and hospitality; management and business and health.
The university also offers a range of postgraduate courses including MBAs and medicine courses.
Students have the option of studying courses either in-person or as a distance learning course.
The university is actively engaged with the community, providing services such as health care, support for disabled students' integration, and legal aid.
Centro Universitário Cesuca 的排名数据分析
- 0%国际学生比例(1)
- 29%Proportion of ISR Publications(1)
- 67 : 33女生对男生的学生比例(1)
- 24.5每位教职员对学生数量(1)
- 4,677Number of FTE Students(1)
基于 (1) 2025 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据
Centro Universitário Cesuca 的授予学科
- Law
Business & economics
- Business & Management
- Accounting & Finance
Clinical, pre-clinical & health
- Medicine & Dentistry
- Other Health
Arts & humanities
- Architecture
- Psychology
Engineering & technology
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- General Engineering
Computer science
- Computer Science
Life sciences
- Veterinary Science
Physical sciences
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Education