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International American University

2024 世界大学排名
2024 年轻大学排名
2024 Impact Rankings: 促进目标实现的伙伴关系
3440 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #1000, Los Angeles, California, CA 90010, United States

关于 International American University

International American University (IAU) is a private for-profit institution located on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. Founded in 2005 as the Management Institute of America, it adopted its current name in 2006. While it aims to provide quality education with a commitment to Christian beliefs, it embraces students of all faiths and no faiths.

International American University primarily offers business-related programmes, including various MBAs, certificate, diploma, and doctoral qualifications. It also offers English as a second language and pathway courses for students needing to improve their English skills.

The university has satellite campuses in San Diego and Irvine and delivers courses through blended classroom-hybrid models or entirely online. It places a strong focus on practical education and offers students the opportunity to submit portfolios of prior learning for degree credit.

International American University 的排名数据分析




  • 14.8
  • 96%
  • n/a
    Proportion of ISR Publication
  • 55 : 45
  • 502
    Number of FTE Students
基于 (1) 2024 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据

International American University 的授予学科

  • Business & economics

    • Business & Management
    • Accounting & Finance