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KASB Institute of Technology

2024 Impact Rankings: 优质教育
2024 Impact Rankings: 性别平等
2024 Impact Rankings: 体面工作和经济增长
84-B, S.M.C.H.S, Off Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, Sindh, 74400, Pakistan

关于 KASB Institute of Technology

KASB Institute of Technology was named after its founder Kadim Ali Shah Bukhari.

It runs from three campuses in Karachi. The main location is in the central business district, with the Hyderi and Gulshan sites in the northern districts of the city.

Undergraduate degrees are offered in commerce, business administration, computer science, accounting and finance, along with an MBA and master's and doctoral programmes in management science.

Students who attain a GPA of 4 or above receive a 50 per cent reduction in fees for the following semester.

The open access KASBIT Business Journal has been published since 2008.

KASB Institute of Technology 的排名数据分析
