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Khyber Medical University

2024 世界大学排名
2024 Impact Rankings
2024 年轻大学排名
Phase V, Hayatabad, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

关于 Khyber Medical University

Khyber Medical University is a public research university, established in 2007.

The university is located in Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, northern Pakistan.

The university is organised into nine institutes: basic medical sciences, physical medicine and rehabilitation, health profession education and research, paramedical sciences, health sciences, public health and social sciences, nursing sciences, medical sciences, and dental sciences. Each institute consists of different departments, which offer a range of both undergraduate and graduate degree programmes.

The university is affiliated with numerous other colleges and institutions across Pakistan, such as the Jinnah Medical College in Peshawar, the Udhyana Institute of Medical Technologies in Abbottabad, and the Jibran College of Health Sciences in Swat. These affiliations facilitate joint research projects, as well as academic and scientific exchanges.

Khyber Medical University 的排名数据分析




  • 15.4
  • 3%
  • 40 : 60
  • 8%
    Proportion of ISR Publication
  • 5,283
    Number of FTE Students
基于 (1) 2024 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据

Khyber Medical University 的授予学科

  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Other Health
    • Medicine & Dentistry