关于 Midocean University
Midocean University is a private university located in the Comoros. It's accredited and licensed by the Ministry of Education in the United Republic of the Comoros. The university offers a wide range of graduate and undergraduate courses in different disciplines from humanities to sciences.
The university has spacious classrooms, workshops, sports facilities and digital services. The university teaches in small class sizes, promoting rigorous academic inquiry, critical thinking, and collaborative learning experiences.
In addition, it also has the membership of the Association of Arab Universities and regularly facilities students and faculty exchanges from different countries.
Midocean University offers internships, study abroad programmes and community engagement opportunities.
Midocean University 的排名数据分析
- 17,303Number of FTE Students(1)
- 40%Proportion of ISR Publications(1)
- 40 : 60女生对男生的学生比例(1)
- 98%国际学生比例(1)
- 113.8每位教职员对学生数量(1)
Midocean University 的授予学科
Computer science
- Computer Science
Business & economics
- Business & Management
- Law
Social sciences
- Communication & Media Studies
- Education