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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

2024 Impact Rankings
Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid, Ben Guerir, Rehamna Province, 43150, Morocco

关于 Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

Established in 2016, Mohamed VI Polytechnic University is a not-for-profit, research focussed private university located in the city of Benguerir, Morocco. The university is part of the Green City project launched by King Mohamed VI in 2009, an urban development scheme aimed at creating a model city promoting sustainability, research, education for the country.

The university has the largest supercomputer in Africa, housed in the African Supercomputing Centre, which has enabled further scientific development and innovation for the continent, as well as the Modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis (MSDA), a leading numerical simulation and data analysis lab. Such technology has allowed the university to become a leading research institution in Africa.

Academically, the university is divided into five clusters: Science and Technology, Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences, Business and Management, and Medical and Paramedical. Each cluster is comprised of several schools, centres and institutes, offering a wide variety of courses. These can be at graduate, postgraduate and doctorate level.

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University 的排名数据分析
