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Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies

2023 日本大学排名
3-15-1, Yokoo, Nagasaki, 851-2196, Japan

关于 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies

Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies (NUFS), founded in 1945 is located on the northern outskirts of the city of Nagasaki, Japan. It is an independent, four-year liberal arts university.

The curriculum focuses heavily on languages and culture, offering four-year degrees in English, French, Korean, German and Japanese open to students from around the world. Entrance to the university requires some Japanese language ability.

NUFS offers exchange programmes with universities all over the world. The university also offers two short programmes for international students in Japan: the Japan Studies in Nagasaki (JASIN) Program and the Nagasaki International Communications Studies (NICS Program).

The JASIN Program is designed for Western students and is conducted in English. The NICS programme is designed for Asian students and is conducted in Japanese. Both programmes involve Japanese language study alongside courses. The JASIN programme does not require prior Japanese skills, while the NICS programme requires an intermediate Japanese level to begin with.

The JASIN programme offers two types of accommodation: a homestay with a Japanese host family or a room in a student residence hall, either single or double.

The historic city of Nagasaki sits in a natural harbour and is nestled within steep hills and spectacular views. A short distance away there are beaches, islands, volcanic mountains and Unzen National Park.

The university was founded after the city was destroyed by an atomic bomb, as a language school after a time when the study of foreign languages had been forbidden. The university was founded upon the ideals of the YMCA and its motto is to promote peace through international communication and understanding.


Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 的排名数据分析



  • 12.9
  • ¥1,684
    Finance per Student (¥000s)
  • 679
    Number of FTE Students
  • 17.3
基于 (1) 2023 日本大学排名和排行榜收集的数据