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University of Raparin

2024 Impact Rankings
Ranya, Kurdistan Region, 46012, Iraq

关于 University of Raparin

The University of Raparin is a public university located in Iraq. It was established in 2010 and is named after the historical region of Raparin known for its rich cultural heritage.

The University of Raparin offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in various fields including engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, business administration, and education.

It has two campuses: the main campus is in Ranya City, and the second campus is in Qaladze City.

The university has a dedicated Office of International Relations to promote international activities and exchanges between the University of Raparin and other academic institutions around the world. It has forged academic partnership with different universities like the University of Kurdistan, World University of Bangladesh, Yerevan State University, Mansoura University, University of Sheffield, Al-Isra University, Baku State University, Eastern Washington University and many others.

University of Raparin 的排名数据分析
