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九月 7, 2018
WUR 2019 cover












World University Rankings methodology 2019


教学(学习环境)- 30%

  • 教学声誉:15%
  • 教职员对学生比例:5%
  • 授予博士学位对授予学士学位比例:25%
  • 授予博士学位数量对教职员比例:6%
  • 大学总收入:25%




研究(论文数量、收入和声誉)- 30%

  • 研究声誉:18%
  • 研究收入:6%
  • 研究生产力:6%




引文(研究影响力)- 30%





国际视野(教职员、学生和研究)- 7.5%

  • 国际对本地学生百分率:5%
  • 国际对本地教职员百分率:5%
  • 国际合著:5%


行业投资的研究收入(知识转移)- 2.5%







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Reader's comments (29)

Good Morning! I am Dr. Babak Mahmood, Director Quality Enhancement Cell, Government College University, Faisalabad. I want to know the way to apply for World Ranking. Please guide me in this. Regards,
It seems like these breakdowns indicate 33% of a university's score come from the Academic Reputation Survey (15% in the "Teaching" indicator, which makes up 50% of that indicator, plus 18% in the "Research" indicator, which constitutes 60% of that indicator). According to your website's description "...scholars are questioned at the level of their specific subject discipline. They are not asked to create a ranking themselves or to list a large range of institutions, but to name no more than 15 universities that they believe are the best in each category (research and teaching), based on their own experience." (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/academic-reputation-survey-explained, 2016) So 33% of a university's score comes from how researchers/professors feel about institutions, but 0% comes from how students feel regarding their experience at the university they actually attended. Am I understanding this correctly?
Hello Dr Mahmood. We’re pleased to hear of your interest in taking part in our rankings. To do so, please email our Rankings team (profilerankings@timeshighereducation.com). They will explain the process. Best regards
May I have a copy of the report?
Hello! I am Dr Anastasia Logvinenko from Ushynsky University, Odessa, Ukraine. We would like to take part in your rankings. Please explain the way we can do it. Best regards.
Hello Dr Logvinenko. It’s great to hear that you are interested in taking part. To get started, send an email our Rankings team (profilerankings@timeshighereducation.com). They will explain the process and detail what information is required. Best regards
Where can I find the template for the world university ranking data collection? If possible send it to my email associated with this account. Thanks.
Dear THE World University Rankings Teams, I am Dr Sugiharto, from Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. We would like to take part in your rankings. However, we don't know how to do. Could you please to explain the way we can do it. We have sent an email to profilerankings@timeshighereducation.com, but the email could not be sent. It seems that the email address is wrong. Thank you very much Best regards, Sugiharto
Hello. We can't see any problems with the email address profilerankings@timeshighereducation.com. Perhaps you could try again. If that does not work, try this email address: rankings@timeshighereducation.com
How do define academic staff: Is it only tenured or tenure-track faculty positions or any employee (researchers, adjunct teaching staff, et c)? And how do you obtain the numbers?
Hi there. Academic staff is defined as the full-time equivalent number of staff employed in an academic post, for example lecturer, reader or professor. For more information on the methodology, you can email rankings@timeshighereducation.com.
Good Morning! In relation to the Research productivity, the website says: "To measure productivity we count the number of publications published in the academic journals indexed by Elsevier’s Scopus database per scholar, scaled for institutional size and normalised for subject." Please, could you tell me what years are considered to count the papers? Thank you!
Hello, For the World University Rankings 2019 published in September 2018, we considered all relevant publications between 2013 and 2017. (Relevant publications are five types of publications: journal articles, article reviews, conference proceedings, books and book chapters). More information on the bibliometrics we used for the rankings can be found in the Citations (research influence) – 30% paragraph on https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/methodology-world-university-rankings-2019.
Hello, Does PEKING UNION MEDICAL COLLEGE research production computed in TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY's scores? Thanks!
Hello, I have a follow-up question on Research Productivity. It counts the publications per scholar (what I understand is the total number of publications divided by the total number of academic and research staff). If 5-year publications are considered for analysis, what years are considered to count the staff ? As universities only submit a single year of staff number to THE (2016 data for 2019 rankings), I wonder how this works for calculating research productivity. Thank you.
Research productivity index is a hybrid indicator, using data directly submitted by the institution (portal data) and bibliometrics (provided by Elsevier). We use the last five years of data for the bibliometric data: 2013 to 2017 for the World University Rankings 2019. For the academic staff and research staff, which are supplied by the institution, we use the reference year from two years ago, which proves to be the most complete year across the world. We need to compare universities using data from the same year, and some universities have academic years that finish at different times of the calendar year. There is also a lag required for data to be collated, verified and approved, and this varies among institutions. Therefore, in global terms, the most complete data available for all institutions have been found to be from two years ago. We use the year 2016 for the World University Rankings 2019 consistently for all the data supplied by the institution: staff, students, degrees and income. We could indeed refine the data collection for academic staff and research staff in terms of time period and align this more clearly on the time period used for bibliometrics, therefore requesting the data for the past five years…but this would multiply the amount of data we request from institutions, which is already quite high. Furthermore, the more granular the data, the more difficult to collect it consistently across the world.
Where is a separate list of Universities in Africa, like you got one for other regions such as UK, Canada, Asia Pacific?
Hi, We have a list of the best universities in Africa 2019 here: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/best-universities/best-universities-africa. We also have a list of the best universities in the Arab World 2018, taking in parts of the Middle East and North Africa: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/best-universities/best-universities-arab-world. I hope that helps.
Could you tell me how the research evaluation methodology accounts for non-journal article publications; ie books, book chapters, conference papers? How are citations in books, book chapters and conference papers brought into account? If these are not counted, how does the method control for disciplines where the book, for example, is the most highly regarded output? Why is a comprehensive source of citation data such as Google Scholar not used?
Hi there, For a fuller explanation, you should email your query to our data team at profilerankings@timeshighereducation.com.
Thank you tsablan for your response to my question on research productivity. It helps me to better understand THE ranking methodology.
It is noticeable that a large factor in the ranking is the reputation score. This, however, is likely to be influenced by factors such as a venerable and long history and less by present performance. This is evidenced to some extent by the often significant differences between the research rating (dominated by reputation) and the citation impact. Especially younger institutions seem to score badly on the first and much more strongly on the second which suggests that reputation score lags the true quality of the research in time so much that it bcomes a distorting factor. It would be very interesting to see what the ranking would look like when the reputation score is stripped out.
Bonjour, je suis Meftah Abdeljalil, étudiant à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Administration au Maroc et je travaille actuellement sur la thématique des classements internationaux des universités. Je veux avoir une idée sur le processus à suivre pour qu'une université puissent faire partie de votre classement. Je vous remercie.
Total of the score dominated by research, it is actually 68.25%., because in teaching band also covers 8.25% on directly research related. No score for Graduation or Masters records, though it is a condition to have undergraduate teaching. Could you please clarify my understanding? If any fee required to participate in ranking ?
Hi, How does THE obtain the data of the institutional research income? Is the data submitted by institutions? If so, how does THE validate the data? Thanks,
I am interested in how you are including the UN's sustainable development goals in your ranking. What matrix is being used to measure how Universities are having an impact on the Global Goals and their targets?
Hello, May I know if self-citations are included when calculating Citations scores? Thanks.
Hi. Which data source do you use for industry income (knowledge transfer? Is it the HE-BCi return Table 1.1 Collaborative Research and 1.2 Contract Research? Thanks. AD
Good day! Could you please let me know where can I find a breakdown of each indicator? For example, what categories of staff shall be considered as Research staff (shall we add to that range research assistants/instructors/teaching assistants?). Thanks in advance!