Bullying confirmation

May 25, 2005

Experiences of Bullying in Academia

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your answers will be used to identify issues with bullying at UK universities to provide clearer ideas of where help and support is needed for staff. If answering any of the questions has raised issues for you, below is a list of support websites and help lines about bullying, which you may find useful. If you’ve any specific questions about the survey please contact Petra Boynton p.boynton@pcps.ucl.ac.uk

Support for those affected by bullying at work

If you are being bullied at work, or have a friend or colleague experiencing problems with bullying, you can speak in confidence to your University counselling service or Human Resources department. Some universities also run confidential staff help lines to deal with work difficulties.

Alternatively, you may want to contact one of the following organisations that also deal with bullying.


Bully Online is the largest resource on workplace bullying – contains case information, guidance and support http:///www.bullyonline.org

The Andrea Adams Trust is a UK charity dedicated to dealing with workplace bullying http:///www.andreaadamstrust.org

The Samaritans can offer a listening ear if you want to share your worries or concerns http:///www.samaritans.org.uk

The teaching unions Natfhe (National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education) http:///www.natfhe.org.uk/index.shtml and AUT (Association of University Teachers) http:///www.aut.org.uk offer advice, support and help lines.

Success Unlimited creates books and training schemes to help combat bullying http:///www.successunlimited.co.uk

Telephone Help Lines (with thanks to bullyonline)

The Andrea Adams Trust. Tel: 013 704900. The office is normally staffed between 10am and 4pm Monday-Thursday.

The Scottish Workplace Bullying Information Line run by Sandra Brown. Tel: 0131 339 9232 Tuesday evenings 7-9pm and Saturday mornings 10am-midday.

HufPuf Bullying Helpline is for people dealing with bullying in education. Tel: 020 8785 6299; fax: 020 8788 6661; email: mmyfu@hufpuf.fsnet.co.uk

Fay Fielding provides a sympathetic ear to people experiencing bullying at work, especially in the north of England. As a former teacher (bullied out after years experience) she is especially happy to talk to fellow teachers. Her service is informal and she is normally available weekday evenings between 6pm-8pm and mornings at the weekend. Tel: 01422 882258.

You can email: jo@samaritans.org The Samaritans or telephone on 08457 909090 (UK) 1850609090 (ROI).

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