
Enlitened is a continuous improvement platform for student engagement and wellbeing.

It’s a challenging time for universities with a surge in wellbeing issues, student expectations climbing and public measurement increasing. Our unique approach is designed to maximise continuous improvement in wellbeing, engagement, student experience, continuation and equal opportunities, and therefore NSS, TEF and league tables.

We do this in three core ways:

  • Delivering tailored advice and support to students through their phone
  • Amplifying the student and university voice through the ability to submit ideas and respond to feedback
  • Providing universities with real-time engagement and wellbeing insights to drive systematic improvements

 “I think the app is transformative. The way it’s transformative is both in terms of the timing and the nature of the interaction. It used to be that the student maybe got a chance once a year (if the university did their own internal survey) to say how they felt. Whereas now, they’re telling us how they feel every single week. That is absolutely transformative.” Dr Jon Sharp, Director of Student Services, University of East Anglia

“I feel like I’m making a difference at the university and that I’m being heard.” Pilot study university student

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