Global Sustainable Development Congress2024: Editorial articles from THE reporters

2024: Editorial articles from THE reporters

The Global Sustainable Development Congress 2024 was co-hosted by Thailand’s Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Innovation and Research at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok from 10 – 13 June.  

Articles from the event  

Striving for impact 
The challenges facing the planet can seem overwhelming, but a landmark THE event in Bangkok heard reasons for optimism amid the maelstrom
Published on 20 June 2024 by John Gill
Read the article here 

The architecture professor rebuilding flattened villages 
The science is ‘just physics’ and the human chemistry matters more, says academic behind a sustainable development programme that’s going global
Published on 14 June 2024 by John Ross 
Read the article here

University leaders ‘must decide what sustainability means’ 
Most initiatives are well-meaning but ‘short-term, scattered, uncoordinated and incoherent’

Published on 13 June 2024 by John Ross
Read the article here

Universities ‘cannot do sustainability on their own’
Universities might be in the ‘sweet spot to redefine the future’, but they still need to work with government and business, says leader 
Published on 12 June 2024 by John Ross 
Read the article here

Cosmetic’ partnerships fail to deliver against global crises
Stronger leadership, fresher thinking and better incentives needed to drive action on sustainability, says Auckland vice-chancellor 
Published on 11 June 2024 by John Gill 
Read the article here

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