Biotechnology, strategy: Commission invites stakeholders to review biotech strategy

August 3, 2006

Brussels, 02 Aug 2006

As part of the mid-term review of the Commission's 2002-2010 life science and biotechnology strategy, stakeholders have until the end of September to voice their opinion of this key policy document.

Four years after its launch, the Commission's 'Life sciences and biotechnology – a strategy for Europe' is up for review. As part of this process, stakeholders, from interested members of the general public to scientists and industry, are invited to submit their assessment of progress towards the implementation of this 52-page road map.

The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2006, after which the European Commission will review the feedback it has received and propose adjustments and refinements to the 30 actions proposed in the original strategy. For its part, the Commission has released regular progress reports on the implementation of the strategy in annual staff working papers published in 2003, 2004 and 2005.

This review comes at a critical time for Europe. A mid-term review of the Lisbon Strategy, which aims to turn Europe into the most competitive knowledge-based economy in the world, was carried out last year. Based on that, Lisbon Strategy was relaunched with a renewed focus on economic growth and employment.

Next year, the EU will launch its ambitious Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), which has a budget of more than €50 billion for the 2007 to 2013 period. This makes a realignment of Europe's life science and biotech goals doubly timely.

Negotiating the policy crossroads

'Life sciences and biotechnology – a strategy for Europe' was originally launched to help Europe negotiate the tricky crossroads between frontier and applied science. Europe was, and remains, poised for a major bioscience revolution, as has been demonstrated by the emergence of the concept of a 'knowledge-based bio-economy (KBBE)'.

The strategy seeks to sharpen Europe's focus on life science and biotech as a way of sustaining the continent's prosperity and competitiveness. It also aims to promote an informed public debate around the socio-economic and ethical issues raised by this emerging field.

Ultimately, these policy issues can only be partly addressed at the EU level. National and regional governments, the general public and industry all have their roles to play in plotting Europe's course through this new scientific and technological terrain. The ultimate responsibility for success or failure is a shared one – hence, this consultation.

Consultation feedback form

'Life sciences and biotechnology – a strategy for Europe' [PDF document - 2.64 Mb]

Information on the Seventh Framework Programme for Research

Relaunched Lisbon Strategy

Results of June Roundtable discussion

DG Research
http:/// ndex_en.html

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