Experts to be recruited to help Commission with FP6 - two calls for tender: individuals, organisations (link)

December 5, 2002

Brussels, 4 December 2002

Call addressed to individuals for the establishment of a database of prospective independent experts to assist the Commission's services for tasks in connection with the sixth RTD framework programme (2002 to 2006) (OJ C300A/1 4.12.2002). /ca300/ca30020021204en00010002.pdf [NB links expire 45 days from publication date]

1. The Commission hereby invites applications from individuals with a view to establishing a database of independent experts who could be called on to assist its services for tasks in connection with:

- the sixth framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities contributing to the creation of the European Research Area and its specific programmes (the EC framework programme),

- the sixth framework programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for research and training activities aimed at contributing towards the creation of the European Research Area and its specific programme (the Euratom framework programme), (collectively,the sixth framework programme).

2. In order to achieve more effectively the objectives set out in the Treaty, the sixth framework programme is aimed at exercising a structuring effect on research and technological development in Europe and making a significant contribution to bringing about the European Research Area.

The EC framework programme is structured around three targets:

- integrating European research,
- structuring the European Research Area, and
- strengthening the foundations of the European Research Area.

The Euratom framework programme aims at intensifying and deepening the already well-established cooperation at European level in the field of nuclear research.

3. Subject to the applicable criteria and procedures established by the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in, and for the dissemination of the research results for, the implementation of the EC framework programmes and by the rules for the participation of undertakings,research centres and universities in the Euratom framework programme (collectively, the rules), the Commission will appoint independent experts:

- to assist its services for the evaluation of proposals in line with the various scientific, technological and socioeconomic aims set out in the documents referred to in point 1. Evaluation work includes making recommendations on ways to gear research towards optimum achievement of the aims of the specific programme concerned,

- to assist its services for the monitoring of projects selected and funded by the Community, including, where necessary and as appropriate, the monitoring of projects funded by the Community under previous RTD framework programmes,

- for other purposes where specific expertise might be required.

4. To this end, the Commission hereby invites individuals to apply as prospective independent experts in order to be included in its database of experts for the sixth framework programme.

It must be noted, however, that the Commission is not bound to appoint only experts registered in this database.

It may appoint independent experts from outside, where foreseen by and in accordance with the appointment procedures established by the rules.

5. Subject to appointment criteria established by the rules, prospective independent experts are expected to have skills and knowledge appropriate to the areas of activities in which they might be asked to assist.

Prospective independent experts are also expected to have a high level of professional experience in the public or private sector in one or more of the following areas of activities:

- research in the relevant scientific and technological fields,

- administration, management or evaluation of RTD projects,

- use of the results of research and technological development projects,technology transfer and innovation,

- issues at the interface of science and society (e.g. education, communication, expertise, risk, ethics, etc.),

- international cooperation in science and technology,

- development of human resources.

Prospective independent experts must also have appropriate language skills.

6. To ensure the independence of proposal evaluations and project monitoring and, where appropriate, other tasks, appointed independent experts will have to sign a declaration certifying that there is no conflict of interest between the work for which they are selected and the posts they occupy. Throughout their work they shall demonstrate the appropriate devotion to duty and observe complete confidentiality of the information and documents brought to their attention.

7. Applications may only be submitted via the online electronic submission form available at the following website address

The application form must be completed in one of the official languages of the European Union. Early application is particularly encouraged, in order to allow the Commission to make use of the database of independent experts for its first proposal evaluation sessions under the sixth framework programme, expected for March 2003. Applications will not be accepted after 31 December 2006.

Applicants who are already registered in the database of independent experts drawn up for the implementation of the fifth framework programme and who wish to apply for the sixth framework programme, are invited to re-register by visiting the Cordis web page at: home.html

At this web page, they will be invited to transfer their data to the FP6 database and update their keywords and details of their professional experience.

All completed details received will be included in the Commission's database of prospective independent experts established for the sixth framework programme...


Call addressed to organisations to propose lists of prospective independent experts to assist the Commission's services for tasks in connection with the sixth RTD framework programme (2002 to 2006) (OJ C300A/3 4.12.2002). Full text

Official Journal of the EC, C300A 4.12.2002

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