Galileo Joint Undertaking: statutes (link) and advertisement for post of Director

May 29, 2002

Brussels, 28 May 2002

Council Regulation (EC) No 876/2002 of 21 May 2002 setting up the Galileo Joint Undertaking (OJ L138/1 28.5.2002). Full text [NB links expire 45 days from publication date]

Article 1
For the implementation of the development phase of the Galileo programme, a Joint Undertaking within the meaning of Article 171 of the Treaty is hereby set up for a period of four years.

The aim of the Joint Undertaking shall be to ensure the unity of the administration and the financial control of the project for the research, development and demonstration phase of the Galileo programme, and to this end mobilise the funds assigned to that programme.

The Joint Undertaking shall be considered as an international organisation within the meaning of the second indent of Article 15(10) of Directive 77/388/EEC and the second indent of Article 23(1) of Directive 92/12/EEC .

Its seat shall be located in Brussels.

Article 2
The Statutes of the Joint Undertaking,as set out in the Annex hereto, are hereby adopted...

Article 8
This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.


Recruitment of the Director of the Galileo Joint Undertaking (OJ C126A/1 28.5.2002). Full text

What is Galileo?
The Galileo satellite radio navigation programme depends on cutting-edge technology and enables users equipped with a receiver to receive signals from several satellites and thus determine their exact position in time and space at any given moment. Galileo is based on a constellation of 30 satellites placed in a medium earth orbit (at an altitude of approximately 24 000 km) continuously covering the entire surface of the earth. Each satellite is a platform equipped with an atomic clock providing extremely precise time measurement (Galileo time). Technically, the system is managed by ground stations.

The European Space Agency is fully involved in the project and is responsible for its technical supervision.

Galileo is the first major programme bringing together the Community institutions and the European Space Agency.

Missions of the Joint Undertaking:
- to launch the research and development activities needed to successfully complete the phase of development (2002-2005),
- to help to mobilise the public and private sector funds needed; in particular, to negotiate, by way of a competitive tendering process with the private sector, an overall agreement for the financing of the deployment (2006-2007) and operational phases,
- to supervise the carrying-out of all programmes,
- to oversee the optimal integration of EGNOS in Galileo.

Principal tasks of the Director:
- to lead the Joint Undertaking in the tasks as outlined in its statutes (available by request at:,
- to organise, direct and supervise the staff of the Joint Undertaking,
- to draw up and regularly update the programme development plan and the programme cost estimates,
- to prepare the draft annual budget,
- to submit to the Administrative Board any proposal involving a significant change in the design of the programme,
- to be responsible for security and take all the measures needed to meet security requirements.

Qualifications and experience required:
- a university degree or equivalent giving entitlement to undertake postgraduate studies,
- at least 15 years of professional experience (following the award of the university degree or equivalent) preferably in a field relevant to the missions of the Joint Undertaking, at least five years of which must have been at management level,
- proven capacity to lead an organisation, at strategic and internal management levels,
- a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the EU and satisfactory knowledge of one other of these languages, - candidates must be nationals of an European Union or European Space Agency Member State.

Independence and declarations of interests: Candidates are required to confirm their willingness to make a declaration of their commitment to act independently in the public interest and a declaration of any interests which might be considered prejudicial to their independence.

Appointment and conditions of employment: The Director will be appointed by the Administrative Board of the Joint Undertaking. This call is the basis for the establishment of a proposal of the Commission to the Administrative Board. The appointment will be based on a contract that will end on the day of the dissolution of the Joint Undertaking.

The seat of the Joint Undertaking will be established in Brussels, Belgium.

Candidates should submit a letter of motivation, a completed application form and a free CV of maximum three pages. Supporting documents must be submitted at a later stage in the procedure if requested.

The European Union takes great care to avoid any form of discrimination and actively encourages applications from women.

Applications must be sent no later than three weeks (by 19 June 2002) after the date of this publication either by e-mail in Word format to:, or by registered post (date as postmark) to:
The European Commission
Directorate-General for Personnel and Administration
Unit ADMIN.A.5
'Director of the Galileo Joint Undertaking'
Office MO 34 5/105
B-1049 Brussels

Applications sent by express courier service must be delivered to the same address.

Official Journal of the EC, L138/1 28.5.2002 x.html

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