The following listing is for research degrees and jobs in Environmental Studies #221> . Where possible a central contact person or office contact point has been given. Where there are several contact people they have been listed with the courses for which they have responsibility. If an institution does not appear in this list you should not assume that they do not offer post-graduate research degrees.
Key #221> Name of institution #221> For the sake of brevity the short version of an institution's name has been used. Validation #221> If an institution's courses are validated by another college its name is given in brackets. Contact names #221> A contact is given for each opportunity listed. Where there is a central contact for all an institution's opportunities in a particular area, the contact will be given once only. Qualification level #221> MSc, PhD etc. The figure in brackets indicates the number of places available where known. Mode of study #221> FT = Full Time PT = Part Time Funding #221> A = Assistantships available to students to undertake paid work while studying for a higher degree £ = Scholarship/ studentships available ? = Funding is a possibility.
Students should contact the department listed. Do not address enquiries to The THES. We are unable to help
Environmental Studies
Aberdeen U. Plant and Soil Science Prof K Killham Tel: 01224 2260; URL: £ A?
Abertay U. Construction and Environment Prof Richard Ashley Tel: 01382308170 Email: A? Construction and the Environment Prof R MAshley Tel: 01382 308101 Email: A?
Wales: Aberystwyth Institute of Biological Studies Miss Catrin James Tel:01970 6220; URL: £ A?
Anglia P.U. Applied Sciences: Environmental Science Research Centre Dr JohnWaterhouse Tel: 01223 3631; URL:
Wales: Bangor Ocean Sciences Dr C A Richardson Tel: 01248 382846; URL:http://www. £ A
Birmingham U. Environmental Science Prof G E Petts Tel: 0121 414 5518; URL: Geography G R McGregor Tel: 0121 414 5520/6935; URL: uk/geography £ A? Institute of Public and EnvironmentalHealth Dr Stuart Harrad Tel: 0121 414 7298; URL: Engineering: Waste Water Treatment Prof A J Biddlestone Tel: 0121 4145290; URL:
Bournemouth U. Conservation Sciences Prof Vincent May Tel: 01202 595178;URL: £? A?
Bradford U. Environmental Science Dr A D Headley Tel: 014 384207 Fax:014 384231
Brunel U. Centre for Environmental Research John Burns Tel: 01895 4000 ext2191; URL: Geography and Earth Sciences Dr CallumFirth Tel: 01895 203215; URL: £ A?
Canterbury Christ Church College (Kent U.) Environmental Science KendraPerrott Tel: 012 7801 Email:
Wales: Cardiff Maritime Studies and International Transport Prof J King Tel:01222 8741; URL:
Central Lancashire U. Environmental Management Nigel Simons Tel: 01772893492; URL: £?
Cheltenham and Gloucester C.H.E. (Bristol U.) Countryside and Landscape Dr LMcEwen Tel: 01242 532970; URL:
Coventry U. Natural and Environmental Sciences Dr L J Duckers Tel: 01203838283 Email:
Cranfield: Cranfield Applied Energy Dr M Newborough Tel: 01234 01234 750111ext 5291; URL: Institute of BioScience andTechnology Alison Amatsah Tel: 01234 754339; URL: £? A? International EcotechnologyResearch Centre Maureen Mahoney Tel: 01234 754097; URL: £? A?
De Montfort U. Biological Sciences Dr R O Jenkins Tel: 0116 250 6306; URL: £? A?
De Montfort U. Bedford Physical Education, Sports Studies and Leisure Dr RBonser Tel: 01234 351966 Email:
Derby U. Environmental and Applied Sciences: Freshwater Parasitology andPollution Dr R Gill Tel: 01332 622222 ext 1744 Email:
Durham U. Biological Sciences Dr J D Horton Tel: 0191 374 3359; URL: Geological Sciences Dr John Senior Tel: 0191 374 7426;URL:
East Anglia U. Environmental Sciences Mrs E Reynolds Tel: 01603 592544; URL: £?
East London U. Environmental Sciences Research Unit Dr James Harris Tel:0181 590 7000 ext 4076/4081 Email: j.a.harris@uel. £? A?
Edge Hill U.C. (Lancaster U.) Science and Technology: Department of Naturaland Applied Sciences Dr David Claridge Tel: 01695 5849
Edinburgh U. Civil and Environmental Engineering Dr M Hardy Tel: 0131 6505728 Email: Electrical Engineering Prof Alan F Murray Tel:0131 650 5589; URL: £ A? Meteorology Dr K WestonTel: 0131 650 5093; URL:
Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt U. Civil and Offshore Engineering Prof J Wolfram Tel:0131 451 3142; URL: Biological Sciences Dr IainCampbell Tel: 0131 451 3454; URL:
Essex U. Biological Sciences Postgraduate Secretary Tel: 01206 873320; URL: £ A?
Exeter U. Cambourne School of Mines Dr D Pirrie Tel: 01209 714866; URL: £? A? Earth Resources Centre Dr J R Merefield Tel:01392 263913; URL: uk/erc £? A?
Glamorgan U. Applied Sciences Prof A T Williams Tel: 01443 482452; URL:
Greenwich U. Earth and Environmental Sciences Prof A Baxter Tel: 0181 3319800 Email:
Harper Adams (Open U.) Crop Production and Science Dr Andrew Wilcox Tel:01952 820280 Email:
Hertfordshire University. Chemical Sciences: Environmental ChemistryAdmissions Office Tel: 01707 284503 Email: EnvironmentalSciences: Conservation and Recreation Management Admissions Office Tel: 01707284503 Email: Environmental Sciences: Crop Protection Dr LesAllen-Williams Tel: 01707 284543 Email: Sciences: Environmental Assessment Dr Les Allen-Williams Tel:01707 224543 Email: Environmental Sciences:Environmental Management Admissions Office Tel: 01707 284503 Environmental Sciences: Habitat Conservation Dr LesAllen-Williams Tel: 01707 284543 Email: Environmental Sciences: Management of Rural Areas Admissions Office Tel: 01707284503 Email: Natural Sciences and Engineering: IntegratedCatchment Management Dr Veronica Edmonds-Brown Tel: 01707 284512 Natural Sciences and the Business School:Environmental Management for Business Dr Vera Jones Tel: 01707 284500
Huddersfield U. Geographical and Environmental Sciences Prof J Gunn Tel:01484 472384 Email:
Hull U. International Fisheries Institute Kevin Crean Tel: 01482 466421Email: £? University of Hull InternationalFisheries Institute The Secretary Tel: 01482 466421 Fax: 01482 470129 £?
Kent U. Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology Prof N Leader-WilliamsTel: 012 823754; URL: £?
Kingston U. Geography Dr J Holmes Tel: 0181 547 2000; URL: £? A?
Lancaster U. Environmental Science Mrs Sheila Roseman Tel: 01524 594200;URL: uk/es/posts.htm £ A
Leeds U. Environment Centre Prof Rob Raiswell Tel: 0113 233 52 £ A?
Lincolnshire & Humberside: Lincoln Environmental Studies Dr John EsserTel: 01472 315036; URL: Learning Contract Dr MargaretNoble Tel: 01522 882000; URL:
Liverpool Hope U.C. (Liverpool U.) Environmental and Biological Sciences DrDerek Bell Tel: 0151 291 3445/7 Email: £?
Liverpool John Moores U. Biological and Earth Sciences Prof N W Lepp Tel:0151 231 20; URL: £? A?Education and Community Studies Dr Jenny Peel Tel: 0151 231 57; URL: £? A?
London: Imperial College Huxley School for Environment, Earth Science andEngineering Marina Bird/Miss Alison Evans Tel: 0171 594 9285; URL: £
London: King's College Life Sciences Prof R Cammack Tel: 0171 333 4264Email:
London: Institute of Latin American Studies Environment Gillian Lodge Tel:0171 387 5671; URL:
London: University College Bartlett School of Architecture, Building,Environmental Design and Planning Ms A Pink Tel: 0171 813 2837; URL: £ Geography Admission Enquiries Tel: 0171 380 7365;URL: £ Jackson EnvironmentInstitute Dr John Murlis Tel: 0171 813 5206; URL: £
London: Wye College Agricultural Economics Academic Registrar Tel: 01233812401; URL: Biological Sciences Academic Registry Tel:01233 812401; URL: Environment Academic Registrar Tel:01233 812401; URL: Environmental Economics Research GroupDr Uwe Latacz-Lohmann Tel: 01233 812401 ext 232 Email:
Loughborough U. Centre for Hazard and Risk Management, Business School DrJudith Petts Tel: 01509 222156; URL: £?A?
Luton U. Science and Technology Dr Paul Shaw Tel: 01582 489384 £
Manchester Metropolitan U. Environmental and Geographical Sciences Prof S ADalton Tel: 0161 247 1600 Email: Environmental and Leisure StudiesDr I W Eastwood Tel: 0161 247 5249 Email:
Middlesex U. Health, Biological and Environmental Sciences Brian Shutes Tel:0181 362 5000 Email:; Ian Williams Tel: 0181 362 5000
Newcastle U. Agricultural and Environmental Science Dr J L Ollerenshaw Tel:0191 222 6899; URL: £ A? Chemical andProcess Engineering Prof K Scott Tel: 0191 222 8771; URL: Fossil Fuels and Environmental Geochemistry, NRGDr P Farrimond Tel: 0191 222 6852; URL: Marine Sciencesand Coastal Management Prof N J P Owens Tel: 0191 222 8885; URL: £? A?
Northumbria U. Geography and Environmental Management Dr M Barke Tel: 01912 3744; URL: A?
Nottingham U. Environmental Studies Dr S T Hall Tel: 0115 951 4088; URL: Institute of Environmental Engineering DrS T Hall Tel: 0115 951 4088; URL:
Open U. Energy and Environment Research Unit Course Reservations Centre Tel:01908 653231; URL: uk/OU/ResearchDegrees/Prospectus.html £?Systems Department Course Reservations Centre Tel: 01908 653231; URL: £?
Plymouth U. Environmental Biology and Ecotoxicology (Plymouth EnvironmentalResearch Centre) Prof M H Depledge Tel: 01752 233038; URL: £? A? EnvironmentalChemistry (Plymouth Environmental Research Centre) Prof Paul Worsfold Tel: 01752233038; URL: £? A?Institute of Marine Studies (Plymouth Environmental Research Centre) Prof DavidA Huntley Tel: 01752 232431; URL: £ A?
Portsmouth U. Land and Construction Management Dr Victoria Edwards Tel:01705 842915 Email:
U. College of Ripon and York St John (Leeds U.) Environmental Science Dr DDavies Tel: 01904 616836 Email: £?
Robert Gordon U. Applied Sciences Dr Keith Nicholson / Ms Dawn Anderson Tel:01224 262832; URL:
Roehampton Institute (An Institute of the University of Surrey) LifeSciences Karen De Netto Tel: 0181 392 3256; URL: £?A?
Royal Agricultural College (Bath, Bristol, Nottingham, and Reading U.s)Rural Economy and Land Management Will Manley Tel: 01285 652531; URL: £? A?
Salford U. European Studies Research Institute Miss Wendy Pickles Tel: 0161295 5614; URL: html £ A? TelfordInstitute of Environmental Systems Prof C G Collier Tel: 0161 295 5465; URL: £? A?
U. College Scarborough (York U.) Environmental Science Prof David CrouchTel: 01723 362392 Email:
Scottish Agricultural College (Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and StrathclydeU.s) Environmental Science Academic Registrar Tel: 01292 525350; URL:
Sheffield U. Civil and Structural Engineering Dr S J Tait Tel: 0114 2225718; URL:
Sheffield Hallam U. Construction Prof P S Mangat Tel: 0114 225 3339; URL: £ A? Leisure and FoodManagement: Countryside Research Unit Dr Ian D Rotherham Tel: 0114 225 4661;URL: £? A?
South Bank U. Urban Development and Policy Prof Trudy Harpham Tel: 0171 8158392 Email:; Prof Michael Ball Tel: 0171 815 8393
Southampton U. Centre of Environmental Studies Mrs J Graham Tel: 01703593132 Fax: 01703 593166
Southampton Institute (Nottingham Trent U.) Maritime Research Centre DrAlison Weeks Tel: 01703 319000 Email:
St Andrews U. Geography Prof C K Ballantyne Tel: 01334 463907; URL: £?
Stirling U. Environmental Science Dr Richard Tipping Tel: 01786 466541; URL: £ A
Strathclyde U. Graduate School of Environmental Studies Prof Norman ClarkTel: 0141 548 4078 Email:
Sunderland U. Environment Dr A G Judd Tel: 0191 515 29
Surrey U. Robens Institute Mrs C Barlow Tel: 01483 259213; URL: Mechanical and Materials Engineering Liz Roberts Tel:01483 259678; URL: Surrey European Management SchoolAdmissions Tutor Tel: 01483 259347; URL:
Sussex U. Environmental Studies Prof G J Leigh Tel: 013 678649; URL:
Wales: Swansea Geography Prof M J Barnsley Tel: 01792 295647 Fax: 01792295955 £?
Trinity and All Saints College (Leeds U.) Social Sciences: Geography Dr MWalker Tel: 0113 283 7100; URL: £
Ulster U. Environmental Studies Dr K R Day Tel: 01265 324447; URL: £ A?
UMIST Environmental Technology Centre Mrs P Millward, PostgraduateAdmissions Tel: 0161 200 4343; URL:
Warwick U. Biological Sciences Dr N H Mann Tel: 01203 523526; URL: £ A
Westminster U. Applied Ecology Dr Jane Lewis Tel: 0171 911 5000 ext 3580;URL: http://www. £? A?
Wolverhampton U. Applied Sciences: Environmental and Analytical ScienceDivision Dr T Hocking Tel: 01902 322375 Email:
Worcester U. College (Coventry U.) Sciences: Environmental Sciences DrRowland Gallop Tel: 01905 855203 Email: £? A?
York U. Environmental Economics and Environmental Management (EEEM) Dr PWhite Tel: 01904 434062; URL: http://www.
About this service #221>
The THES Research Opportunities Service aims to list the current availability of opportunities for postgraduate research training.
The listings include details of new research posts. Although courses from more than 140 institutions are represented here it is not an exhaustive listing.
Some institutions have not wished to list their courses in this way; so you should not assume that institutions not featuring in these lists have no courses to offer. This listing should give a good flavour of the wide variety of research training on offer at higher education institutions in the United kingdom.
Potential students should not make decisions on the basis of this listing alone. Potential candidates should contact the institutions of their choice directly if they wish to discuss their future plans. They should not contact The THES or the compilers of this listing.
Quality of degrees #221>
All UK universities in membership of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals have power to award British degrees after either courses of study or programmes of research, and some colleges of higher education have one or both of these powers.
Other colleges provide courses or programmes which are validated by an institution which has those powers. Courses of this kind are listed under the name of the college which runs them; the name of the validating institution, which finally awards the degree, is in brackets.
The compilers #221>
This list has been compiled by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (CSU) on the basis of returns from institutions. CSU is an agency of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, the Standing Conference of Principals of Colleges and Institutes of higher education and the Committee of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges.
This information has been provided for information purposes only. It is not definitive and does not take precedence over the official publications of universities and colleges.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and that those institutions which wanted to take part have been included, CSU an accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Any queries about this list should be addressed to the data collectors, Mayflower Directories Production, Ro Dew, West Looe Hill, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2HH. Tel: 01503 264454. Fax: 01503 264821. Email: All rights reserved. No part of this listing may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers.
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