The following listing is for research degrees and jobs in Hospital-Based Clinical Subjects #221> . Where possible a central contact person or office contact point has been given. Where there are several contact people they have been listed with the courses for which they have responsibility. If an institution does not appear in this list you should not assume that they do not offer post-graduate research degrees.
Key #221> Name of institution #221> For the sake of brevity the short version of an institution's name has been used. Validation #221> If an institution's courses are validated by another college its name is given in brackets. Contact names #221> A contact is given for each opportunity listed. Where there is a central contact for all an institution's opportunities in a particular area, the contact will be given once only. Qualification level #221> MSc, PhD etc. The figure in brackets indicates the number of places available where known. Mode of study #221> FT = Full Time PT = Part Time Funding #221> A = Assistantships available to students to undertake paid work while studying for a higher degree £ = Scholarship/ studentships available ? = Funding is a possibility.
Students should contact the department listed. Do not address enquiries to The THES. We are unable to help
Hospital-Based Clinical Subjects
Aberdeen U. Clinical Pharmacology Dr H M Wallace Tel: 01224 681818 ext52481; URL: £? A? Obstetrics and Gynaecology ProfAllan Templeton Tel: 01224 840590 Email: £? A?Radiology Prof Fiona J Gilbert Tel: 01224 681818 ext 43319; URL: £? A? Medicine and Therapeutics Prof James C PetrieTel: 01224 681818 ext 54851; URL: £? A? OphthalmologyProf John V Forrester Tel: 01224 681818 ext 53782; URL: £?A? Surgery Prof O Eremin Tel: 01224 681818 ext 53004 Fax: 01224 685373 £?A?
Queen's U. of Belfast Clinical Medicine Prof Elisabeth R Trimble Tel: 01232263108; URL:
Birmingham U. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Dr J S Bion Tel: 0121 6 2060Fax: 0121 6 2062 Cardiovascular Medicine Dr M D Gammage Tel: 0121 6 3718Email: Clinical Neuroscience Dr A Jackowski Tel: 0121 5583232 Fax: 0121 6 2103 Geriatric Medicine Prof A J Sinclair Tel: 0121 6 8266Email: Medicine Dr M Eggo Tel: 0121 6 3923; Dr C Mijovic Tel: 0121 6 3926 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Prof J R Newton Tel: 0121 62695 Email: Paediatrics and Child Health Dr M S MurphyTel: 0121 454 6024 Fax: 0121 454 5383 Surgery Dr G Matthews Tel: 0121 414 4102Email:
Bristol U. Medicine Mrs L Neck Tel: 0117 928 9725; Mrs B Calder Tel: 0117 928 2156
City U. Radiography Jennifer Edie Tel: 0171 505 5678; URL:
Dundee U. Surgery Dr E L Newman Tel: 01382 633936; URL: £? A?
East Anglia U. Health Policy and Practice Malcolm Adams Tel: 01603 593600Email: Health Policy and Practice Prof Shirley Pearce Tel:01603 592389 Fax: 01603 593604
Edinburgh U. Anaesthetics Prof A A Spence Tel: 0131 536 1000 £? Child Life and Health Neil McIntosh Tel: 0131 5360801 Email: Clinical Pharmacology Unit and Research CentreProf David J Webb Tel: 0131 332 1205 Email: Medicine (RoyalInfirmary of Edinburgh) Prof C Haslett Tel: 0131 536 2234 Medicine (Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh): Academic Medical UnitProf I A D Bouchier Tel: 0131 536 2234 Email: Medicine(Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh): Geriatric Medicine Unit Prof C Haslette Tel:0131 536 2234 Fax: 0131 229 2948 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr T A Bramley Tel:0131 229 2575; URL: Medicine (WesternGeneral Hospital) Prof David J H Brock Tel: 0131 651 1040 £? A?
Exeter U. Institute of Clinical Science Prof John Tooke Tel: 01392 403064Email: £? A?
Glasgow U. Cancer Prof S Kaye Tel: 0141 211 2824; URL: £? A? Clinical Medicine Prof J L ReidTel: 0141 211 2886; URL: £? A?Clinical Neurosciences Prof G Teasdale Tel: 0141 201 2023 £? A? Reproductive Biology Prof I Greer Tel: 0141 2114703; URL: £? A?
Hull U. Medicine Prof N Stafford Tel: 01482 674456 Fax: 01482 675539
Keele U. Medicine Mrs B Mulliner Tel: 01782 554746 Fax: 01782 747319
Leeds U. Research School of Medicine Dr P N McWilliam Tel: 0113 233 6876;URL: uk/students/pgprospectus/resmed.htm £
Leicester U. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Prof Taylor Tel: 0116 252 3160Email: Surgery Prof Bell Tel: 0116 252 3142 Email: A?
Liverpool U. Anaesthesia Prof R S Jones Tel: 0151 706 4006 Child Health Prof R Cooke Tel: 0151 228 4811 ext 2695 Haematology Prof J Cawley Tel: 0151 706 4311 Fax: 0151 706 4311Immunology Dr P J McLaughlin Tel: 0151 706 4358; URL: Medical Microbiology andGenito-Urinary Medicine Prof A Hart Tel: 0151 706 4381 Email: Prof M J Jackson Tel: 0151 706 4075 Email: £? A?Orthopaedic and Accident Surgery Dr G J Kemp Tel: 0151 706 4124 Otorhinolaryngology Prof A Jones Tel: 0151 706 4051 Fax: 0151706 4057 Surgery Prof J P Neoptolemos Tel: 0151 706 4175; URL: £? A? Medical Imaging and Magnetic Resonance, andImage Analysis Research Centre Prof G H Whitehouse Tel: 0151 794 5775 Medical Microbiology and Genito-urinary Medicine ProfC A Hart Tel: 0151 706 4381 Email:
London: Imperial College Anaesthesia Mrs J Anderson Tel: 0181 746 8303; URL: £? A? Clinical Pharmacology Prof A R Boobis Tel: 0181383 3221; URL: http://www. £? A? Heart and Lung Institute JVandridge-Ames Tel: 0171 351 8190; URL: http://www. Imaging Prof PDawson Tel: 0181 383 4953; URL: http://www. £? A? Medicine Mrs SLacey Tel: 0181 383 2363; URL: http://www. £? A? Neuroscience andPsychological Medicine Wendy Charmatz Tel: 0181 846 7203; URL: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Miss Amanda Cater Tel: 0181 3831862; URL: http://www. £? A? Paediatrics Miss Amanda Cater Tel:0181 383 1862; URL: http://www. £? A? Surgery Ms J Anderson Tel:0181 746 8303; URL: http://www. £? A?
London: King's College Analytical Pharmacology Prof Sir James Black Tel:0171 737 8282 Email: £? Cardiology Dr D E Jewitt Tel: 0171346 3379 Fax: 0171 346 3489 Child Health Prof J F Price Tel: 0171 346 3215 Fax:0171 346 3693 Diabetes Dr P J Watkins Tel: 0171 346 3241 Fax: 0171 346 3407Genito-Urinary Medicine Dr A Pozniak Tel: 0171 346 3716 Medicine Prof A M McGregor Tel: 0171 346 3013 Fax: 0171 3463693 Neurology Prof P N Leigh Tel: 0171 346 5187 Fax: 0171 346 5186 NeurologyLesley Gibson Tel: 0171 346 5187 Fax: 0171 346 5186 £ A Obstetrics andGynaecology Prof K Nicolaides Tel: 0171 346 3020 Email: Mr R Coakes Tel: 0171 737 4000 ext 2854 Fax: 0171 346 3738 RenalMedicine Prof B Hendry Tel: 0171 346 3741 Email: RespiratoryMedicine Dr J F Costello Tel: 0171 346 3165 Fax: 0171 346 3589 Rheumatology andRehabilitation Dr D L Scott Tel: 0171 737 4000 ext 6195 Email: Prof I S Benjamin Tel: 0171 346 3017; URL: £? A? ThrombosisUnit Prof V V Kakkar Tel: 0171 351 8301 Fax: 0171 346 3693 Urology Mr M CoptcoatTel: 0171 346 3104 Fax: 0171 346 3693
London: Institute of Neurology Clinical Neurology Neurosurgery JanetTownsend Ass Sec for Students Tel: 0171 829 8740 Email:£? A?
London: Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine Clinical Neurosciences Prof AH V Schapira Tel: 0171 830 2012 Fax: 0171 431 1577 £? A? Geriatric MedicineProf Archie Young Tel: 0171 794 0500 ext 5240 Fax: 0171 830 2202 Obstetrics andGynaecology Dr C W Perrett Tel: 0171 794 0500 ext 3860 £? A? Surgery Prof M C Winslet Tel: 0171 794 0500 Fax:0171 431 4528 Paediatric Gastroenterology Prof J A Walker-Smith Tel: 0171 83079 Fax: 0171 830 2146
London: St Bart's & Royal London School of Medicine & Dentistry(QMW) Academic Department of Surgery Prof N S Williams Tel: 0171 377 7079; URL: Anaesthetics Unit Prof L Strunin Tel:0171 377 7119; URL: http://www. Bone and Joint Research UnitDr Paul G Winyard Tel: 0171 377 7114/7765 Email: £?A? Chemical Endocrinology Prof A J L Clark Tel: 0171 601 7445 £? Clinical Pharmacology Prof N Benjamin Tel: 0171415 3402 Email: Dermatology Prof I M Leigh Tel: 0171 2957170 Email: Diabetes and Metabolism Dr R D G Leslie Tel:0171 601 7450 Email: Gastrointestinal Science Prof DL Wingate/ Dr D S Rampton Tel: 0171 377 7790 Fax: 0171 377 7677 Human NutritionDr J Powell-Tuck Tel: 0171 426 5603 Email: £? MedicalOncology Prof R T D Oliver Tel: 0171 601 8522; URL: Neurosurgery Dr T H Koeze Tel: 0171 377 7021Email: Rheumatology Dr B L Kidd Tel: 0171 377 7765 Fax:0171 377 7763 Sports Medicine Mr J B King/Roslyn Carbon Tel: 0171 377 7389 Fax:0181 983 6500 A? Endocrinology Prof G M Besser Tel: 0171 601 8343; URL: £? A? Gynaecological Oncology Ian JacobsTel: 0171 601 7651 Email: Medical Professorial Unit(West Smithfield) Prof G M Besser Tel: 0171 601 8343 Medical Unit (Whitechapel) Prof R D Cohen Tel: 0171 3777110 Email: Metabolism and Genetics Prof D J Galton Tel:0171 982 6018 Email: Obstetrics and Gynaecology(Reproductive Physiology) Prof T Clark Tel: 0171 601 8250 Fax: 0171 600 1439Paediatric Endocrinology Dr M O Savage Tel: 0171 601 8468 Paediatric Gastroenterology Prof T T MacDonald Tel: 0171601 8160 Email: Paediatric Oncology Prof Vaskar SahaTel: 0171 601 8952 Email: Surgical Unit Prof N S WilliamsTel: 0171 377 7079 Fax: 0171 377 7677 Urological Unit Mr C G Fowler Tel: 0171377 7226 Fax: 0171 377 7677
London: St George's Hospital Medical School Atkinson Morley NeuroscienceCentre Prof B A Bell Tel: 0181 946 7711 Email: CardiologicalSciences Dr M Malik Tel: 0181 725 2994 Email: Coronary ArteryDisease Research Group Prof Carol A Seymour Tel: 0181 725 5918 Coronary Artery Disease Research Group Dr J C Kaski Tel:0181 725 5901 Email: Child Health Prof D V Walters Tel: 0181725 5973 Email:
London: University College Histopathology Dr Langxing Pan Tel: 0171 2096021; URL: http://www. £ Institute of Child Health: ClinicalLaboratory Sciences Mr S O'Brien Tel: 0171 242 9789; URL: http://www. £Institute of Laryngology and Otology Prof A Wright Tel: 0171 915 1308; URL: £ Institute of Neurology Mrs Janet Townsend Tel: 0171829 8740; URL: http://www. Institute of Nuclear Medicine Prof Peter JEll Tel: 0171 631 1066; URL: http://www. £ Institute ofOphthalmology Ms Karen Bonstein Tel: 0171 608 6935; URL: http://www. £Institute of Orthopaedics Prof George Bentley Tel: 0181 954 2300 ext 532; URL: Medicine Dr I Rabinowitz Tel: 0171 209 6189; URL: Oncology Prof Richard Begent Tel: 0171 636 8333 ext 3421;URL: http://www. uk £ Paediatrics Prof R M Gardiner Tel: 0171 2096100; URL: http://www. Surgery Prof Irving Taylor Tel: 0171 380 9312;URL: http://www. £
Manchester U. Anaesthesia Dr Paul Beatty Tel: 0161 6 8506; URL: £? A? Geriatric Medicine Prof M A Horan Tel: 0161 7897373; URL: http://www. £? A? Medical Oncology Karen Pearson Tel:0161 446 3660; URL: http://www. £? A? Medicine Dr D E Wooley Tel:0161 6 4240; URL: http://www. £? A? Obstetrics and GynaecologyDr E N Chantler Tel: 0161 6 6474; URL: http://www. £? A?Oncology Karen Pearson Tel: 0161 446 3660; URL: http://www. £? A?Orthopaedic Surgery Prof C S B Galasko Tel: 0161 787 4291; URL: £? A? Rheumatology Dr Steve Hopkins Tel: 0161 7874269; URL: http://www. £? A? Surgery Prof Sir Miles Irving Tel:0161 787 4358; URL: http://www. £? A? Institute of Cancer StudiesKaren Pearson Tel: 0161 446 3660; URL: http://www. £? A?North-West Injury Research Centre Prof R A Little Tel: 0161 5 5783; URL: £? A?
Newcastle U. Child Health Prof J A Eyre Tel: 0191 202 3010; URL: Dermatology Prof J L Rees Tel: 0191 222 7107;URL: http://www. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Prof W DunlopTel: 0191 281 6177; URL: http://www. Pharmacological SciencesPostgraduate Admissions, Medical School Tel: 0191 222 7002; URL: £? Neurosciences and Psychiatry PostgraduateAdmissions, Medical School Tel: 0191 222 7002; URL:
Nottingham U. Cardiovascular Medicine Prof J R Hampton Tel: 0115 970 9346Email: Centre for Medical Genetics Prof J ARaeburn Tel: 0115 962 7712 Email: AnaesthesiaProf A R Aitkenhead Tel: 0115 970 9231 Fax: 0115 970 0739 Orthopaedics Prof W AWallace Tel: 0115 970 9407 Email: ClinicalNeurology Prof L D Blumhardt Tel: 0115 970 9456
Plymouth U. Plymouth Postgraduate Medical School Dr J R Sneyd Tel: 017592692 Email: £? Plymouth PostgraduateMedical School: Department of Medicine Prof Terence J Wilkin Tel: 01752 232925Fax: 01752 232925 Plymouth Postgraduate Medical School: Department of SurgeryProf A N Kingsnorth Tel: 01752 763017 Email:£? A?
Robert Gordon U. Health Science Dr Valerie Maehle Tel: 01224 6146; URL:
Sheffield U. Surgical Sciences: Orthopaedics Prof M Saleh Tel: 0114 1 4191Email: m.; Dr L Yang Tel: 0114 1 4900 Paediatrics Dr Hilary J Powers Tel: 0114 1 7562
Southampton U. Medicine Prof E J Thomas Tel: 01703 796886 Fax: 01703 794154
Teesside U. Health Dr P Kelly Tel: 01642 384125 Email: £?A?
Wales: College of Medicine Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine Prof MHarmer Tel: 01222 743110 Fax: 01222 747203 £? A? Cardiology Prof MFrenneaux Tel: 01222 744430 Fax: 01222 761442 £? A? Child Health Prof D PDavies Tel: 01222 743374 Fax: 01222 744283 £? A? Dermatology Prof R MarksTel: 01222 742885 Fax: 01222 762314 £? A? Diagnostic Radiology Prof TGriffith Tel: 01222 743070 Fax: 01222 744726 £? A? Haematology Prof A KBurnett Tel: 01222 742375 Fax: 01222 744655 £? A? Medical Microbiology andPublic Health Laboratory Prof B I Duerden Tel: 01222 742168 Fax: 01222 751729 £?A? Medicine Prof L K Borysiewicz Tel: 01222 742307 Fax: 01222 743819 £? A?Obstetrics and Gynaecology Prof R Shaw Tel: 01222 743235 Fax: 01222 743722 £?A? Section of Traumatic and Orthopaedic Surgery Prof R Mansel Tel: 01222 7449Fax: 01222 761623 £? A? Surgery Prof R Mansel Tel: 01222 7449 Fax: 012261623 £? A?
About this service #221>
The THES Research Opportunities Service aims to list the current availability of opportunities for postgraduate research training.
The listings include details of new research posts. Although courses from more than 140 institutions are represented here it is not an exhaustive listing.
Some institutions have not wished to list their courses in this way; so you should not assume that institutions not featuring in these lists have no courses to offer. This listing should give a good flavour of the wide variety of research training on offer at higher education institutions in the United kingdom.
Potential students should not make decisions on the basis of this listing alone. Potential candidates should contact the institutions of their choice directly if they wish to discuss their future plans. They should not contact The THES or the compilers of this listing.
Quality of degrees #221>
All UK universities in membership of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals have power to award British degrees after either courses of study or programmes of research, and some colleges of higher education have one or both of these powers.
Other colleges provide courses or programmes which are validated by an institution which has those powers. Courses of this kind are listed under the name of the college which runs them; the name of the validating institution, which finally awards the degree, is in brackets.
The compilers #221>
This list has been compiled by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (CSU) on the basis of returns from institutions. CSU is an agency of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, the Standing Conference of Principals of Colleges and Institutes of higher education and the Committee of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges.
This information has been provided for information purposes only. It is not definitive and does not take precedence over the official publications of universities and colleges.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and that those institutions which wanted to take part have been included, CSU an accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Any queries about this list should be addressed to the data collectors, Mayflower Directories Production, Ro Dew, West Looe Hill, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2HH. Tel: 01503 264454. Fax: 01503 264821. Email: resopps@mayflower-cc. All rights reserved. No part of this listing may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers.
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