Sources for research funding

October 23, 1998

Each fortnight, this section will list funds available for academic researchers. Details should be submitted to

European Union Fourth Research & Technological Development (RTD) Framework Programme As the Fourth Framework Programme is due to end this year, the majority of calls for proposals for research projects have now closed.

The next major calls for proposals for cooperative research projects are due to be launched late this year or early next year after the fifth Framework programme comes into force.

However, a limited number of calls for specific research measures and related activities connected to the Fourth Framework Programme and its specific programmes are still open.

Monitoring of Community RTD programmes - call for experts Published July 31 1997.

Deadline March 15 1999.

The commission undertakes an annual external monitoring exercise of its RTD activities, in accordance with the decisions adopting the fourth Framework programme and the specific programmes. The application form may be downloaded from the web site, in addition to the full text of the calls.

Deadline for applications for the 1999 monitoring exercises, March 15 1999.

Further information may be obtained from: European Commission DG XII - Science, Research and Development Mr Gilbert Fayl Evaluation Unit (DG XII AP/3) 200 rue de la Loi (SDME) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2962006 Call for expressions of interest for experts for review and evaluation of activities within the THERMIE programme Published March 15 1997.

Deadline: December 31.

The European Commission, DG XVII, has published a call for expressions of interest relating to technical assistance for the review and evaluation of projects within the THERMIE (demonstration) component of the Community's specific programme in the field of Non-nuclear Energy (JOULE/THERMIE).

Expressions of interest should be sent to: European Commission DG XVII - Energy Unit D/1 Secretariat 200 rue de la Loi (TERV 5/23) B-1049 Brussels Call for expressions of interest for tasks relating to the European Technology Assessment Network (ETAN); Published December 15 1995.

Deadline: December 4

The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for expressions of interest from persons and organizations interested in having their name entered on a list of potential contractors to carry out specific tasks (service contracts) related to the European Technology Assessment Network (ETAN).

Applications should be addressed to: European Commission DG XII - Science, Research and Development DG XII/H-1 - Call "ETAN-TASKS" 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Department of Health Policy Research Programme Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) Research Initiative Proposals are sought in the areas:

* Uses of ICTs in the provision of information;

* Uses of ICTs in support of clinical and managerial decision making and to improve healthcare delivery;

* Technologies to assist in working across boundaries;

* Public and professional acceptability;

* Criteria for the successful implementation of ICTs.

Further details from: Email : rkirby.doh. Or write: Research Initiative ICTs, Research and Development Division, Department of Health, Room 401A, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London SE1 6LH.

Call for outline proposals by December 4.

Innovative Manufacturing Initiative Learning Across Business Sectors The Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (IMI) is an industry-led, collaborative research programme, sponsored by three Research Councils (EPSRC, ESRC and BBSRC) together with Government departments to encourage more innovative manufacturing within the UK.

Outline bids may be submitted at any time up to November 15.

The call seeks research proposals which:

* are pertinent to the processes to the four key business theme areas of IMI;

* facilitate learning from two or more business sectors, one of which must be one of the four IMI sectors: aerospace, construction, land transport and process (materials, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and drink).

Key business theme areas:

* Knowledge management;

* Teamwork;

* Networks, clusters and chains

* Performance measurement Proposals should be submitted as outlines with a case for support (up to three pages of content) and an EPSRC Engineering Managed Programme Form, available from the EPSRC Website uk). Further information from Vince Osgood. Tel: 01793 444217; fax 01793 444456 or email:vince.osgood@ or the IMI sector programme managers: Aerospace: Mick Brown. Tel: 0117 9366216. Email: mick.brown@epsrc. Construction: John Findlay. Tel: 01256 763161 ext 343 or email:john.findlay@ Land Transport: Mike Sporton. Tel: 0121 70688. Email: mike.sporton@epsrc. Process Industries : Mike Jones (01223 207152. Email: michael.jones@dial. ) Any specific social science-related queries should be addressed to Adrian Alsop at ESRC. Tel: 01793 413109. Email:Adrian.Alsop@ ).

Outline proposals (four copies) should be clearly marked "IMI Cross Sectorial Call - Learning across Business" to: IMI Support Group EPSRC Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1ET.

Deadline: November 15.

IMI - Construction as a Manufacturing Process Call for draft research proposals.

This call seeks proposals which show how they can contribute to improving the process of construction. Proposals will be welcomed in any relevant topic but in particular in the following areas in which there is under-representation of effort in the programme:

* Evaluating cultural aspects of teamworking.

* Use of decision support and/or knowledge based tools.

* Application of new technology to improve competitiveness.

* The development of business processes through which firms can identify and manage risk.

* Development and application of explicit generic performance metrics to develop a benchmarking culture.

Deadline: November 16.

IMI - Construction as a Manufacturing Process Networks Proposals will be also be accepted, for a maximum of Pounds 50,000, to establish a network which links academic and non-academic partners who wish to develop new or enhanced collaborations. Further details available from the EPSRC web site (

Proposers should discuss potential proposals in advance of submission with one of the contacts below. Six copies of proposals should be submitted to Jacqui Williams.

Deadline: November 16.

Sector Programme Manager: John Findlay, BBSHD, Osborn Way, Hook, Hants. RG 9HX Tel: 01256 763161 Fax: 01256 768614 e-mail: john.findlay@bbcel. Associate Sector Programme Manager Jacqui Williams, EPSRC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon. SN2 1ET Tel: 01793 444068 Fax: 01793 444187 e-mail: jacqui.williams National Institutes of Health Research on Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders The purpose is to support basic research into the pathophysiology of autism and autism spectrum disorders, including research on brain mechanisms and genetics. Also of interest are clinical and applied investigations that may lead to the development of diagnostic research instruments, treatments, and intervention strategies.

No deadline.

Inquiries : Judith M. Rumsey, Ph.D., National Institute of Mental Health, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 18C-17, Rockville, MD 20857 USA. Tel: (301) 443-9264. Fax: (301) 480-4415 Email: jrumsey@ World Cancer Research Fund Science Department 105 Park Street London W1Y 3FB Tel: 0171 343 4200 Fax: 0171 343 4201 Food, Nutrition and Cancer Applications are invited for a small number of three-year grants up to a total of Pounds 100,000 to fund epidemiological and experimental research into the effects of food and nutrition on the origins, causes and prevention of cancer. Innovative proposals are encouraged; particularly those designed to increase understanding of dietary means to prevent cancer, or to improve the quality of life of the cancer patient. Preference is given to applicants based in the UK and elsewhere in Europe. Application forms are available from the above address.

Deadline: December 18.

Funding listings are compiled by Sarah Knowles

0171 782 3225 Email: sarah. knowles@

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