Sources for research funding

April 28, 2000

Each week this section lists funds available for researchers. Items for inclusion should be submitted to Compiled by Sarah Knowles. A more comprehensive version of this service is available to subscribers on our Research microsite at


Research Fellowship.

The society offers one fellowship in either clinical or basic scientific research, to support research training in cardiology in an institute of the applicant's choice. The fellowship will be sponsored by Merck Sharp & Dohme.

The duration of the fellowship will be one year initially, with an option of extending to two years, if appropriate. The successful applicant's current salary will be maintained and allowances will be provided for travel and relocation. Further details can be obtained from: Administrative Director, British Cardiac Society, 9 Fitzroy Square, London W1P 5AH; email: Deadline: May 22.


Policy Research Programme - Evaluation of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy.

The Director of Research and Development invites proposals for research to evaluate the Government's strategy to cut teenage pregnancy rates and to reduce the risk of long term social exclusion for teenage parents and their children.

This centrally commissioned evaluation is needed by the Teenage Pregnancy Unit to assess the success of the strategy overall, and of its various components, in achieving these two major goals. The evaluation will also help to inform the implementation of the strategy and the work of the National Independent Advisory Group.

To receive a detailed research brief and application form (which are available online) write to: Mrs Jackie Littlechild, Department of Health, Research and Development Directorate, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London SE1 6LH or email: Deadline: 2 pm, May 17.


Invitation Fellowship Programmes for Research in Japan.

The programmes allow scientists employed at Japanese universities/research institutions to invite fellow researchers from other countries to Japan to participate in cooperative activities. They presuppose the existence of contacts between scientists in Japan and in other countries, a condition considered favourable to the promotion of future scientific cooperation and exchange. All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are included in these programmes.

Applications must be submitted to JSPS by the inviting scientist through the head of the institution concerned. JSPS does not accept applications submitted directly by foreign scientists or through diplomatic channels. Foreign cientists wishing to participate in either of these programmes are advised to establish contact with a Japanese/foreign resident researcher in their field and to ask him/her to arrange the submission of an application to JSPS.

Application materials will be provided to the inviting institution.

Short-Term Program Purpose: to invite senior scientists to participate in discussions, attend seminars, give lectures, or perform similar duties. A total of 195 fellowships will be granted. Senior scientists, university professors, and other persons with substantial professional experience are eligible to apply. Successful candidates under the May 2000 recruitment must arrive in Japan from October 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001. Contact: JSPS; 6-26-3 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094, Japan; tel: +81-3- 3263-1721; fax: +81-3 3263-1854 Deadline: May 19.

BRITISH COUNCIL IN AUSTRIA. austria/english/science/arc.htm.

Academic Research Collaboration (ARC) Programme between Austria and Britain.

It aims to increase research collaboration between universities and research institutes in Austria and Britain, offering grants towards the travel costs of exploratory visits to establish joint research projects.

Preference is given to projects in the fields of environment; biotechnology; communications; transport engineering; medical and information technologies.

Preference is given to projects which clearly demonstrate their potential to gain support within the framework of European Union research programmes. Most members of the joint research team must be senior and well established academics and researchers. ARC intends to promote the initial stages of new projects with a potential for EU funding. It is not intended to provide long term support. It is expected that exploratory visits approved under the scheme will be completed within twelve months, though these may extend over two calendar years. The exploratory grant is a standard contribution towards the costs of an exploratory visit to enable senior researchers to investigate the potential for a joint research project. Up to four exploratory visits may be included in a bid. Deadline for visits before December 2000: May 31.

Application forms can be download and printed out. Contact: Judith Portier, Science Officer, Schenkenstraße 4, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; tel: +43 1 533 26 16 74; fax: +43 1 533 26 16 85; email: judith.portier@bc-


Fellowship Programme.

The ERCIM Fellowship Programme was launched in 1990 to enable young scientists from around the world to perform research at ERCIM institutes. Applications are solicited twice a year. The programme focuses on topics of interest identified by the ERCIM working groups. Each application is reviewed by one or more senior scientists in each ERCIM institute. Aside from researchers from academic institutions, scientists working in industry are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applicants should: have a PhD degree (or equivalent), or be in the last year of the thesis work with an outstanding academic record. Address for applications: ERCIM, Aurelie Richard, 2004 route des Lucioles, BP 93, F-06902 Sophia-Antipolis, Cedex France; tel: +33 4 92 38 50 10; fax: +33 4 92 38 50 11; email: Applicants should be made using the online application form. Research areas (full details on web): multimedia systems; database research; programming language technologies; constraints technology and applications; control and systems theory; formal methods; electronic commerce; user interfaces for all; environmental modelling; health and information technology; web technology research and application; networking.

Next deadline: May 31.


Support of joint research groups.

The scheme is to provide support for groups of mathematicians, working in at least three different locations in the UK, who have a common research interest, who wish to engage in collaborative activities and whose geographical locations are such that reasonably frequent regular meetings - several per year - are a realistic possibility. A grant may be used for a variety of purposes associated with the group's activities, such as expenses for speakers at common seminars, travel for group members between institutions either for research visits, seminars or study groups. The society wishes to support research students and young postdoctoral mathematicians, and applications should indicate details of the extent to which they will be involved in the programme. Queries regarding applications can be addressed to the meetings and membership secretary Dr N.M.J. Woodhouse (tel: 01865 7943; email: or to the executive secretary, Dr. D.J.H. Garling (tel: 020 7637 3686; email: Next deadline: May 31.


European Latsis Prize 2000 - invitation for nominations.

The European Science Foundation invites nominations for the European Latsis Prize 2000. The prize, of a value of 100,000 Swiss Francs is presented each year to a scholar or research group in recognition of outstanding and innovative contributions in a selected field of European research. The research field for the 2000 prize is: "Molecular Structure" The prize will be awarded for outstanding contributions to the theory of molecular structure, the experimental elucidation of structures of particular molecules or classes, the structural basis of functional properties in biological or other systems and/or advances in techniques or instrumentation to investigate any of these aspects. The criteria used in the selection procedure will be scientific excellence, societal impact and contribution to European progress. Nominations may be received for individual scholars or for research groups, but no self nominations will be accepted. Nomination forms available online. Alternatively, forms and further information can also be obtained by contacting the ESF office in Strasbourg: The Secretary General European Science Foundation, 1, Quai Lezay-Marnesia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France; tel: +33 (0)3 88 76 71 17; fax: + 33 (0)3 88 36 69 45. Deadline: May 15.


Microsystems Technology Integration.

EPSRC invites collaborative research proposals in the area of microsystems technology. The activity will focus on the design and manufacture of integrated microsystems, aiming to strengthen the UK's performance in all aspects of precision microsystems engineering. Of primary importance is the development of a research-active community, within both industry and the science base, able to conduct world-class research in niche areas. The initiative aims to build a programme of truly multi-disciplinary research, with emphasis on research driven by end-user or application: particularly in areas where the UK has considerable existing strength and expertise, such as aerospace, biotechnology, chemicals/pharmaceuticals, medical engineering and sensing systems. Full details on the web Enquiries should be addressed to: Dr. Fiona Armstrong, Associate Programme Manager, Engineering Programmes, EPSRC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1ET; email:; tel: 01793 444164; fax: 01793 444187.

Deadline: June 2.

NUFFIELD FOUNDATION. n_0022153.html.

Nuffield Commonwealth Programme.

The Nuffield Commonwealth Programme supports the establishment and improvement of policy and service provision in Commonwealth countries in Southern and Eastern Africa and promotes links between the UK and those countries. It does this by funding activities that develop the expertise and experience of practitioners and policy makers. Recognising that these are long-term processes the trustees are offering a number of five year grants, each of up to Pounds 50,000 per annum. They intend to make up to five awards. Applications will be considered for activities in Commonwealth countries in Southern and Eastern Africa. Proposals that have application to developing Commonwealth countries as a whole may also be considered. We will consider applications that support work in the following fields: ·education ·law ·mental health ·child welfare ·older people and their families Exceptional projects outside these fields but in the foundation's wider fields of education, health and social welfare will also be considered. Applicants must be non-profit organisations based in the UK which have strong links with partner organisations in developing Commonwealth countries. These partners can be nongovernmental organisations, community-based groups, public or governmental institutions. Outline proposal deadline: May 31. There is no application form but a summary details sheet must accompany proposals. The written outline proposal should be no longer than four pages - additional documentation such as annual reports, baseline surveys etc can be sent as appendices. Full details and outline proposal forms available online. Contact: Sarah Lock, Commonwealth Programme Coordinator, Nuffield Commonwealth Programme 2000, 28 Bedford Square, London WCIB 3EG; tel 020 7631 0566; fax 020 7323 4877.

Deadline: May 31.


Menzies Australian Bicentennial.

Scholarships and Fellowships Scholarships are open to students registered at a British tertiary institution or eligible for such registration at an Australian tertiary institution. Fellowships are open to candidates who wish to further their education or professional experience but do not want to take a further degree. Candidates may be in any discipline, but they must demonstrate that there are special scholarly or practical advantages to be gained from a period of study in Australia, and an appropriate host institution available. Younger scholars are preferred but there is no formal age limit, although candidates must be likely to make a contribution to their fields for a least ten years. Awards are to a maximum of Pounds 4,000.

Deadline: June 2. The Menzies Centre does not pursue late references.

Applications forms will not be distributed after May 26. Contact: Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, 28 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5DS; tel: 020 7862 8854; fax: 020 7580 96; email:


Particle Physics Theory Travel Fund.

A travel fund provided to encourage international collaboration. The fund is open to all the community except students and PPARC/Royal Society fellows or fellows who have access to substantial travel funds. Awards are limited to a maximum of Pounds 700 and only one award will be made per person per year. They may be used either for overseas travel by the applicant, or to bring a visiting fellow to the UK. Applications, comprising a short scientific case and cost estimate, may be made at any time by email to the PPTC Chairman, Professor Richard Kenway email,

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