Sources of research funding

October 13, 2000

Each week we list funds available for researchers. Items for inclusion should be submitted to


Small Grants in the Creative and Performing Arts

This scheme provides awards up to a maximum of £5,000 to meet the costs directly relatedto advanced research projects in the creativeand performing arts only. Deadline: October 31.

Research Grants over £5,000

The Research Grants scheme is the principal mechanism for supportof large collaborative research projects and funds two rounds a year awarding up to £100,000 a year for up to five years. The scheme provides for postgraduate studentships and allows institutionsto offer funded AHRB postgraduate places within major research projects. Deadline: November 30. Application forms forthese schemes can be downloaded from the AHRB website. Contact: Research Office, Arts and Humanities Research Board, Northavon House, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QD; tel: 0117 931 7417.


Mercury and Autism - request for proposals

Proposals are invited to examine the possible metabolic, molecular, genetic or other response to mercury as it relates to autism. Examples of studies that would be given high priority include: the epidemiology of autism and mercury exposure; the pathophysiology of mercury at the cellular level; ways the body can detoxify from mercury exposure; chelation therapy; studies that noninvasively document mercury exposure; the role of mercury in the pathophysiology of autism; ways in which mercury exposure influences the immune response; and genetic susceptibility to mercury. Projects will be funded at a level of $40,000-$100,000 a year for one or two years. Principal investigators must have an academic and/or non-profit institutional affiliation. Submit a two-page letter of intent describing the proposed project to: CAN Research Programs, Mercury RFP, P. O. Box 36188, Los Angeles, CA 90036-0188, USA. Queries by email to: CAN Science Program Officer, Libby Tegley: research@ Deadline: November 15.


Core-Strategic Measurements for Atmospheric Science (COSMAS)

The NERC has established a core strategic programme of instrument development and laboratory studies thatwill contribute to the strategic goals of the council in the area of atmospheric science. NERC has allocated £4.5m to the COSMAS programme over five years. This is the secondof three calls for proposals over the lifetime of the programme. Approximately £1m to £1.5m will be available in this round. UK researchers are invited to submit full proposals to carry out research in areas outlined on the website. Further information on the science aspects of the programme may be obtained from the science coordinator: Dr. Tony Cox, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EP. Tel: 01223 336253; email:, and/or from the NERC ASTB website. Prospective applicants are advised to seek advice from the science coordinator well before the closing date.

Deadline: November 30.

Information on application procedures and regulations, downloadable forms, eligibility of institutions etc, can be found at: uk/awards/. Any further administrative queries should be addressed to the programme administrator: Dr Fiona Knight, NERC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1EU; tel: 01793 411751; email: f.knight@ uk.


Japan Partnering Awards

The primary objective of a JPA is to provide a pump-priming fund to allow institutions to embarkon creating links with Japanese scientists with the overall aim of building long-term partnerships that will ultimately be supported by other funding bodies. The main objectives for a JPA are:to set up partnership links between UK and Japanese life science laboratories;to promote the exchange of scientists, particularly young postdocs;to promote access to Japanese facilities; andto access Japanese funding for UK scientists. Awards will be at a levelof up to £50k over a three-year period and will be made to leading UK laboratories to partnerwith one or more Japanese equivalents. Applications are invited from BBSRC current grant holders and scientists at BBSRC-supported institutes. Deadline: 31 November. Application forms are available to download. Questions to: Joanne Allman, International Relations, BBSRC,Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1UH; tel: 01793 413295; fax: 01793 414674;email: joanne.allman@


People at the Centre of Communication and Information Technologies (PACCIT)

Outline applications are invited from academic and commercial consortia under the LINK phase of the PACCIT research programme. This phase is jointly funded by the ESRC, EPSRC, the Link Directorate and the DTI. A budget of nearly £2m has been allocated to fund projects that will commence from October 2001, or as soon as possible thereafter. The programme is exploring the complex interactions between people, computers and organisations, and considering how these interactions might be improved through the better design and evaluation of IT systems and products. The broad topics to be pursued under the LINK phase include, but are not limited to, working with knowledge, communication, and multimedia systems and IT and the process of design. Applications covering non-traditional settings or dealing with non-traditional users are particularly encouraged. Deadline: 5pm on November 20. Further information and an application form can be obtained from the ESRC website at uk/PACCITLINK.htm or by emailing: angela.leonard


Project Grants

With the exception of cancer, cardiovascular and HIV/AIDS research, Action Research supports a broad spectrum of research with the objective of: a) preventing disease and disability (regardless of cause or age group), and b) alleviating physical handicap.

The emphasis is on clinical research or research at the clinical/basic interface. Within the above criteria, Action Research also supports the research and development of equipment and techniques to improve diagnosis, therapy and assistive technology (including orthoses, prostheses and aids to daily living).

Project grants

For up to three years duration in support ofone precisely formulated line of research. Aone-page outline of the proposed research is required before a formcan be issued.

Next deadline: November 15.

Support covers salary costs, consumables and items of dedicated equipment essential for carrying out the work. The average award is in the region of £80,000. Grants are normally made to those in tenured positions in a university or institution. Research workers who require personal support from a project grant, and who have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the grant proposal, may be named as co-applicants with an established member of staff as the principal applicant. Preliminary proposals All would-be applicants should submit a one-page outline to the Head of Research Administration by either fax or post at the charity, summarising the research proposal and giving an estimation of costs. Details should include the potential clinical application of the work and the number of people who stand to benefit from the results. Contact: Head Office, Action Research, Vincent House, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2DP; email: info@actionresearch.; tel: 01403 210406; fax: 01403 210541.


Scientific Programmes in the Physical & Engineering Sciences

The ESF Standing Committee for the Physical and Engineering Sciences launches a call for outline proposals for ESF scientific programmes in any of the following domains: chemistry, fundamental engineering and technical sciences, physics, mathematics and fundamental technology research. Some preference may be given to proposals that are related to the areas of informatics, computer sciences, information technology research, and the engineering sciences which are currently underrepresented within the ESF programme scheme. In the first round, ESF-PESC calls for the submission of short outline proposals. The principal proposer(s) of outline proposals that pass the first selection stage will then be invited to submit a full proposal. There is no special application form but the proposal must follow guidelines (available online). Deadline: November 10. Contact: Marie Clifford Gruber, European Science Foundation, 1 quai Lezay-Marnesia, 67080 Strasbourg, Cedex France; email:; tel: +33 (0)3 88 76 71 07; fax: +33 (0)3 88

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People with Learning Disabilities: Services, Inclusion and Partnerships Outline proposals are invited in the following key theme areas: service delivery and its effectiveness: research that will help to identify elements of good practice, their implementation and sustainability; social inclusion: research is needed on how the factors that create disabling barriers in people's lives can be addressed, to enable people to lead fuller, more inclusive lives in the community; organisational development: proposals about organisational development would be welcome if they can help to show how staff performance in learning disability services can be supported to achieve more effective, better value services. The research brief and application form are available to download. If you have problems accessing the site, email: or write to Julia Harrison, Department of Health, Research and Development Directorate, Room 402a, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London SE1 6LW. Outline proposal deadline: November 13.


European Visiting Research Fellowships in Arts and Letters

This is a scheme supporting research in the humanities in Scotland that aims to establish a two-way flow of scholars between Scotland and continental Europe. Eight visiting research fellowships will be awarded, normally four in each direction, and they will be for visits of between two and six months' duration. Eligible subjects: archaeology; art and architecture; economics & economic history; geography; history; jurisprudence; linguistics; literature and philology; philosophy; religious studies. Deadline: November 3. Queries o: Anne Ferguson, Research Fellowships Secretary, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22/26 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PQ;email aferguson@ Application forms will not be available after October .

Compiled by Sarah Knowles. A more comprehensive version of this service is available to subscribers on our research microsite at

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