The next big bang: next generation electronics papers

May 25, 2017
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These are all the papers relating to the "next generation electronics" research fronts in the article What are the hot research areas that might spark the next big bang?, published in Times Higher Education on 25 May 2017. 

Research front: 2D rhenium disulfide for future electronic and optoelectronic applications 

Paper 1

Title: Monolayer behaviour in bulk ReS2 due to electronic and vibrational decoupling

Author(s): Tongay, S (Tongay, Sefaattin); Sahin, H (Sahin, Hasan); Ko, C (Ko, Changhyun); Luce, A (Luce, Alex); Fan, W (Fan, Wen); Liu, K (Liu, Kai); Zhou, J (Zhou, Jian); Huang, YS (Huang, Ying-Sheng); Ho, CH (Ho, Ching-Hwa); Yan, JY (Yan, Jinyuan); Ogletree, DF (Ogletree, D. Frank); Aloni, S (Aloni, Shaul); Ji, J (Ji, Jie); Li, SS (Li, Shushen); Li, JB (Li, Jingbo); Peeters, FM (Peeters, F. M.); Wu, JQ (Wu, Junqiao)


Source: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 5  Article Number: 3252  DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4252  Published: FEB 2014  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 138

Total Times Cited: 139

Paper 2

Title: In-Plane Anisotropy in Mono- and Few-Layer ReS2 Probed by Raman Spectroscopy and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Author(s): Chenet, DA (Chenet, Daniel A.); Aslan, OB (Aslan, O. Burak); Huang, PY (Huang, Pinshane Y.); Fan, C (Fan, Chris); van der Zande, AM (van der Zande, Arend M.); Heinz, TF (Heinz, Tony F.); Hone, JC (Hone, James C.)

Source: NANO LETTERS  Volume: 15  Issue: 9  Pages: 5667-5672  DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b00910  Published: SEP 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 46

Total Times Cited: 46


Paper 3

Title: ReS2-Based Field-Effect Transistors and Photodetectors

Author(s): Zhang, E (Zhang, Enze); Jin, YB (Jin, Yibo); Yuan, X (Yuan, Xiang); Wang, WY (Wang, Weiyi); Zhang, C (Zhang, Cheng); Tang, L (Tang, Lei); Liu, SS (Liu, Shanshan); Zhou, P (Zhou, Peng); Hu, WD (Hu, Weida); Xiu, FX (Xiu, Faxian)

Source: ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS  Volume: 25  Issue: 26  Pages: 4076-4082  DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201500969  Published: JUL 8 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 36

Total Times Cited: 37

Paper 4

Title: Observation of interlayer phonon modes in van der Waals heterostructures

Author(s): Lui, CH (Lui, C. H.); Ye, ZP (Ye, Zhipeng); Ji, C (Ji, Chao); Chiu, KC (Chiu, Kuan-Chang); Chou, CT (Chou, Cheng-Tse); Andersen, TI (Andersen, Trond I.); Means-Shively, C (Means-Shively, Casie); Anderson, H (Anderson, Heidi); Wu, JM (Wu, Jenn-Ming); Kidd, T (Kidd, Tim); Lee, YH (Lee, Yi-Hsien); He, R (He, Rui)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B  Volume: 91  Issue: 16  Article Number: 165403  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.165403  Published: APR 8 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 27

Total Times Cited: 27


Paper 5

Title: Anisotropic Electron-Photon and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Black Phosphorus

Author(s): Ling, X (Ling, Xi); Huang, SX (Huang, Shengxi); Hasdeo, EH (Hasdeo, Eddwi H.); Liang, LB (Liang, Liangbo); Parkin, WM (Parkin, William M.); Tatsumi, Y (Tatsumi, Yuki); Nugraha, ART (Nugraha, Ahmad R. T.); Puretzky, AA (Puretzky, Alexander A.); Das, PM (Das, Paul Masih); Sumpter, BG (Sumpter, Bobby G.); Geohegan, DB (Geohegan, David B.); Kong, J (Kong, Jing); Saito, R (Saito, Riichiro); Drndic, M (Drndic, Marija); Meunier, V (Meunier, Vincent); Dresselhaus, MS (Dresselhaus, Mildred S.)

Source: NANO LETTERS  Volume: 16  Issue: 4  Pages: 2260-2267  DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b04540  Published: APR 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 21

Total Times Cited: 21

Paper 6

Title: Coupling and Stacking Order of ReS2 Atomic Layers Revealed by Ultralow-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy

Author(s): He, R (He, Rui); Yan, JA (Yan, Jia-An); Yin, ZY (Yin, Zongyou); Ye, ZP (Ye, Zhipeng); Ye, GH (Ye, Gaihua); Cheng, J (Cheng, Jason); Li, J (Li, Ju); Lui, CH (Lui, C. H.)

Source: NANO LETTERS  Volume: 16  Issue: 2  Pages: 1404-1409  DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b04925  Published: FEB 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 19

Total Times Cited: 19

Paper 7

Title: Splitting of Interlayer Shear Modes and Photon Energy Dependent Anisotropic Raman Response in N-Layer ReSe2 and ReS2

Author(s): Lorchat, E (Lorchat, Etienne); Froehlicher, G (Froehlicher, Guillaume); Berciaud, S (Berciaud, Stephane)

Source: ACS NANO  Volume: 10  Issue: 2  Pages: 2752-2760  DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b07844  Published: FEB 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 15

Total Times Cited: 15

Paper 8

Title: Linearly Polarized Excitons in Single- and Few-Layer ReS2 Crystals

Author(s): Aslan, OB (Aslan, Ozgur Burak); Chenet, DA (Chenet, Daniel A.); van der Zande, AM (van der Zande, Arend M.); Hone, JC (Hone, James C.); Heinz, TF (Heinz, Tony F.)

Source: ACS PHOTONICS  Volume: 3  Issue: 1  Pages: 96-101  DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00486  Published: JAN 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 12

Total Times Cited: 12

Paper 9

Title: Twisted MoSe2 Bilayers with Variable Local Stacking and Interlayer Coupling Revealed by Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy

Author(s): Puretzky, AA (Puretzky, Alexander A.); Liang, LB (Liang, Liangbo); Li, XF (Li, Xufan); Xiao, K (Xiao, Kai); Sumpter, BG (Sumpter, Bobby G.); Meunier, V (Meunier, Vincent); Geohegan, DB (Geohegan, David B.)

Source: ACS NANO  Volume: 10  Issue: 2  Pages: 2736-2744  DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b07807  Published: FEB 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 11

Total Times Cited: 11

Paper 10

Title: Low-Frequency Interlayer Raman Modes to Probe Interface of Twisted Bilayer MoS2

Author(s): Huang, SX (Huang, Shengxi); Liang, LB (Liang, Liangbo); Ling, X (Ling, Xi); Puretzky, AA (Puretzky, Alexander A.); Geohegan, DB (Geohegan, David B.); Sumpter, BG (Sumpter, Bobby G.); Kong, J (Kong, Jing); Meunier, V (Meunier, Vincent); Dresselhaus, MS (Dresselhaus, Mildred S.)

Source: NANO LETTERS  Volume: 16  Issue: 2  Pages: 1435-1444  DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b05015  Published: FEB 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 9

Total Times Cited: 9


Research front: Antiferromagnetic spin Seebeck effect and spin transport by magnons 

Paper 1

Title: Theory of the spin Seebeck effect

Author(s): Adachi, H (Adachi, Hiroto); Uchida, K (Uchida, Ken-ichi); Saitoh, E (Saitoh, Eiji); Maekawa, S (Maekawa, Sadamichi)

Source: REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS  Volume: 76  Issue: 3  Article Number: 036501  DOI: 10.1088/0034-4885/76/3/036501  Published: MAR 2013  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 102

Total Times Cited: 102

Paper 2

Title: Magnon spin-current theory for the longitudinal spin-Seebeck effect

Author(s): Rezende, SM (Rezende, S. M.); Rodriguez-Suarez, RL (Rodriguez-Suarez, R. L.); Cunha, RO (Cunha, R. O.); Rodrigues, AR (Rodrigues, A. R.); Machado, FLA (Machado, F. L. A.); Guerra, GAF (Fonseca Guerra, G. A.); Ortiz, JCL (Lopez Ortiz, J. C.); Azevedo, A (Azevedo, A.)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B  Volume: 89  Issue: 1  Article Number: 014416  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.014416  Published: JAN 15 2014  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 58

Total Times Cited: 58

Paper 3

Title: Long-distance transport of magnon spin information in a magnetic insulator at room temperature

Author(s): Cornelissen, LJ (Cornelissen, L. J.); Liu, J (Liu, J.); Duine, RA (Duine, R. A.); Ben Youssef, J (Ben Youssef, J.); van Wees, BJ (van Wees, B. J.)

Source: NATURE PHYSICS  Volume: 11  Issue: 12  Pages: 1022-+  DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS3465  Published: DEC 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 35

Total Times Cited: 35

Paper 4

Title: Critical suppression of spin Seebeck effect by magnetic fields

Author(s): Kikkawa, T (Kikkawa, Takashi); Uchida, K (Uchida, Ken-ichi); Daimon, S (Daimon, Shunsuke); Qiu, ZY (Qiu, Zhiyong); Shiomi, Y (Shiomi, Yuki); Saitoh, E (Saitoh, Eiji)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B  Volume: 92  Issue: 6  Article Number: 064413  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.064413  Published: AUG 10 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 33

Total Times Cited: 33

Paper 5

Title: Length Scale of the Spin Seebeck Effect

Author(s): Kehlberger, A (Kehlberger, Andreas); Ritzmann, U (Ritzmann, Ulrike); Hinzke, D (Hinzke, Denise); Guo, EJ (Guo, Er-Jia); Cramer, J (Cramer, Joel); Jakob, G (Jakob, Gerhard); Onbasli, MC (Onbasli, Mehmet C.); Kim, DH (Kim, Dong Hun); Ross, CA (Ross, Caroline A.); Jungfleisch, MB (Jungfleisch, Matthias B.); Hillebrands, B (Hillebrands, Burkard); Nowak, U (Nowak, Ulrich); Klaui, M (Klaeui, Mathias)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 115  Issue: 9  Article Number: 096602  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.096602  Published: AUG 28 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 31

Total Times Cited: 31

Paper 6

Title: Giant Room Temperature Interface Spin Hall and Inverse Spin Hall Effects


Author(s): Wang, L (Wang, Lei); Wesselink, RJH (Wesselink, R. J. H.); Liu, Y (Liu, Yi); Yuan, Z (Yuan, Zhe); Xia, K (Xia, Ke); Kelly, PJ (Kelly, Paul J.)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 116  Issue: 19  Article Number: 196602  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.196602  Published: MAY 11 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 15

Total Times Cited: 15

Paper 7

Title: Antiferromagnetic Spin Seebeck Effect

Author(s): Wu, SM (Wu, Stephen M.); Zhang, W (Zhang, Wei); Amit, KC (Amit, K. C.); Borisov, P (Borisov, Pavel); Pearson, JE (Pearson, John E.); Jiang, JS (Jiang, J. Samuel); Lederman, D (Lederman, David); Hoffmann, A (Hoffmann, Axel); Bhattacharya, A (Bhattacharya, Anand)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 116  Issue: 9  Article Number: 097204  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.097204  Published: MAR 3 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 13

Total Times Cited: 13

Paper 8

Title: Observation of magnon-mediated current drag in Pt/yttrium iron garnet/Pt(Ta) trilayers

Author(s): Li, JX (Li, Junxue); Xu, YD (Xu, Yadong); Aldosary, M (Aldosary, Mohammed); Tang, C (Tang, Chi); Lin, ZS (Lin, Zhisheng); Zhang, SF (Zhang, Shufeng); Lake, R (Lake, Roger); Shi, J (Shi, Jing)

Source: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: 7  Article Number: 10858  DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10858  Published: MAR 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 12

Total Times Cited: 12

Paper 9

Title: Enhanced Spin Pumping Efficiency in Antiferromagnetic IrMn Thin Films around the Magnetic Phase Transition

Author(s): Frangou, L (Frangou, L.); Oyarzun, S (Oyarzun, S.); Auffret, S (Auffret, S.); Vila, L (Vila, L.); Gambarelli, S (Gambarelli, S.); Baltz, V (Baltz, V.)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 116  Issue: 7  Article Number: 077203  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.077203  Published: FEB 17 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 12

Total Times Cited: 12

Paper 10

Title: Enhancement of Thermally Injected Spin Current through an Antiferromagnetic Insulator

Author(s): Lin, WW (Lin, Weiwei); Chen, K (Chen, Kai); Zhang, SF (Zhang, Shufeng); Chien, CL (Chien, C. L.)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  Volume: 116  Issue: 18  Article Number: 186601  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.186601  Published: MAY 5 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 11

Total Times Cited: 11

Paper 11

Title: Magnetic field dependence of the magnon spin diffusion length in the magnetic insulator yttrium iron garnet

Author(s): Cornelissen, LJ (Cornelissen, L. J.); van Wees, BJ (van Wees, B. J.)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B  Volume: 93  Issue: 2  Article Number: 020403  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.020403  Published: JAN 19 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 11

Total Times Cited: 11

Paper 12

Title: Observation of magnon-mediated electric current drag at room temperature

Author(s): Wu, H (Wu, H.); Wan, CH (Wan, C. H.); Zhang, X (Zhang, X.); Yuan, ZH (Yuan, Z. H.); Zhang, QT (Zhang, Q. T.); Qin, JY (Qin, J. Y.); Wei, HX (Wei, H. X.); Han, XF (Han, X. F.); Zhang, S (Zhang, S.)

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B  Volume: 93  Issue: 6  Article Number: 060403  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.060403  Published: FEB 12 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 10

Total Times Cited: 10

Paper 13

Title: Bulk magnon spin current theory for the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect

Author(s): Rezende, SM (Rezende, S. M.); Rodriguez-Suarez, RL (Rodriguez-Suarez, R. L.); Cunha, RO (Cunha, R. O.); Ortiz, JCL (Ortiz, J. C. Lopez); Azevedo, A (Azevedo, A.)

Source: JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS  Volume: 400  Pages: 171-177  DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2015.07.102  Published: FEB 15 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 9

Total Times Cited: 9


Research front: Solid-state quantum emitters in atomically thin semiconductors 

Paper 1

Title: Single photon emitters in exfoliated WSe2 structures

Author(s): Koperski, M (Koperski, M.); Nogajewski, K (Nogajewski, K.); Arora, A (Arora, A.); Cherkez, V (Cherkez, V.); Mallet, P (Mallet, P.); Veuillen, JY (Veuillen, J. -Y.); Marcus, J (Marcus, J.); Kossacki, P (Kossacki, P.); Potemski, M (Potemski, M.)

Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 10  Issue: 6  Pages: 503-506  DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2015.67  Published: JUN 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 73

Total Times Cited: 73

Paper 2

Title: Optically active quantum dots in monolayer WSe2

Author(s): Srivastava, A (Srivastava, Ajit); Sidler, M (Sidler, Meinrad); Allain, AV (Allain, Adrien V.); Lembke, DS (Lembke, Dominik S.); Kis, A (Kis, Andras); Imamoglu, A (Imamoglu, A.)

Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 10  Issue: 6  Pages: 491-496  DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2015.60  Published: JUN 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 68

Total Times Cited: 68

Paper 3

Title: Single quantum emitters in monolayer semiconductors

Author(s): He, YM (He, Yu-Ming); Clark, G (Clark, Genevieve); Schaibley, JR (Schaibley, John R.); He, Y (He, Yu); Chen, MC (Chen, Ming-Cheng); Wei, YJ (Wei, Yu-Jia); Ding, X (Ding, Xing); Zhang, Q (Zhang, Qiang); Yao, W (Yao, Wang); Xu, XD (Xu, Xiaodong); Lu, CY (Lu, Chao-Yang); Pan, JW (Pan, Jian-Wei)

Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 10  Issue: 6  Pages: 497-502  DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2015.75  Published: JUN 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 66

Total Times Cited: 66

Paper 4

Title: Voltage-controlled quantum light from an atomically thin semiconductor

Author(s): Chakraborty, C (Chakraborty, Chitraleema); Kinnischtzke, L (Kinnischtzke, Laura); Goodfellow, KM (Goodfellow, Kenneth M.); Beams, R (Beams, Ryan); Vamivakas, AN (Vamivakas, A. Nick)

Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 10  Issue: 6  Pages: 507-U38  DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2015.79  Published: JUN 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 51

Total Times Cited: 51

Paper 5

Title: Single-photon emission from localized excitons in an atomically thin semiconductor

Author(s): Tonndorf, P (Tonndorf, Philipp); Schmidt, R (Schmidt, Robert); Schneider, R (Schneider, Robert); Kern, J (Kern, Johannes); Buscema, M (Buscema, Michele); Steele, GA (Steele, Gary A.); Castellanos-Gomez, A (Castellanos-Gomez, Andres); van der Zant, HSJ (van der Zant, Herre S. J.); de Vasconcellos, SM (de Vasconcellos, Steffen Michaelis); Bratschitsch, R (Bratschitsch, Rudolf)

Source: OPTICA  Volume: 2  Issue: 4  Pages: 347-352  DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.2.000347  Published: APR 20 2015  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 38

Total Times Cited: 38

Paper 6

Title: Quantum emission from hexagonal boron nitride monolayers

Author(s): Tran, TT (Tran, Toan Trong); Bray, K (Bray, Kerem); Ford, MJ (Ford, Michael J.); Toth, M (Toth, Milos); Aharonovich, I (Aharonovich, Igor)

Source: NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY  Volume: 11  Issue: 1  Pages: 37-+  DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2015.242  Published: JAN 2016  

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 27

Total Times Cited: 27

Paper 7

Title: Hexagonal boron nitride is an indirect bandgap semiconductor

Author(s): Cassabois, G (Cassabois, G.); Valvin, P (Valvin, P.); Gil, B (Gil, B.)

Source: NATURE PHOTONICS  Volume: 10  Issue: 4  Pages: 262-+  DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2015.277  Published: APR 2016  


Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 23

Total Times Cited: 23

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