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University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola

Bitola, North Macedonia
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Basic information and contact details for University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola


University St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola is a public university located in Bitola, a city in the southern west part of North Macedonia. It was founded in 1979.

The university offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses across wide range of disciplines such as natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

The university houses numerous facilities such as spacious classrooms, laboratories and workshops. In addition to this, several events, activities and workshops are organised throughout the year. It has research centres, laboratories, and publishes an international research journal known as Horizons.

It is a member of several international university associations like the Balkan Universities Association, and the European University Association. The university is also a holder of the Erasmus+ Charter. Several student and faculty exchange programs are held throughout the year, and international students across the world arrive at UKLO via the Erasmus+, Central European Exchange Programs for University Studies, and the Interreg programs.

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