Ready Education

Trusted by 700+ institutions to build communities and drive retention, Ready Education is the leading student engagement platform provider on a mission to improve student success in higher educatio

Chengdu University

Founded in 1978, Chengdu University is an open, innovative, and internationally renowned city-based university in China.

THE Campus Live Japan 2022

ポスト・コロナ時代の大学 「日本の大学の課題と展望」

タイムズ・ハイヤー・エデュケーションのイベントシリーズである “THE Campus Live” は特定の国や地域の大学セクターが抱える大学の課題や挑戦に焦点を当て、大学関係者が課題解決のためのアイディアや知見を語り、共有することを目的として開催するものです。初めて日本で開催する本イベントでは、参加者がポスト・コロナ期における日本の大学の課題と挑戦について具体的に話し合い、日本の大学の将来を再考することを目指して実施いたします。

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 9:00am to Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 4:30pm
Keio University

THE Campus Live SE Asia 2022

Innovation, inclusion, growth: The role of universities in a 21st century Asia

Universities play a central role in the talent ecosystem by nurturing leaders of the future and catalysing research and innovation. Bespoke to Southeast Asian universities, the event will discuss some of the most pressing issues facing leaders, academics and professional staff in universities today.

Decision-makers across higher education, government and industry will engage in a series of invigorating talks and panel sessions to explore the latest news and trends.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 - 9:30am to Thursday, December 8, 2022 - 6:00pm
National University of Singapore

University of Auckland

At the 2022 Times Higher Education Impact and Innovation Summit, held in Stockholm, the University of Auckland hosted a fringe event about quality education