Terrorism – A Threat for Urban Dwellers Be in the Know, Be on the Lookout for a Safe Society

Chula Political Science Lecturer alerts our society on the dangers of “urban terrorism” and the need to build a knowledge base for crisis management should an incident occur while also proposing that the government should invest in national security.

 While current situations of the pandemic, war, and soaring oil prices are captivating issues for many people because of the severe impacts on their daily lives, the matter of “terrorism” still remains a threat for urban residents, especially amid a conflicting political climate which cannot be neglected.

Terrorism – A Threat for Urban Dwellers Be in the Know, Be on the Lookout for a Safe Society

Chula Political Science Lecturer alerts our society on the dangers of “urban terrorism” and the need to build a knowledge base for crisis management should an incident occur while also proposing that the government should invest in national security.

 While current situations of the pandemic, war, and soaring oil prices are captivating issues for many people because of the severe impacts on their daily lives, the matter of “terrorism” still remains a threat for urban residents, especially amid a conflicting political climate which cannot be neglected.

“Cultured Pork” — from Lab to Plate — Chula Researcher Hopes to Ensure Future Food Security

A Chula Veterinary Science professor has researched the production of imitation pork from tissue culture of which taste and nutritional value are close to real pork and is prepared to start commercial production hoping to help address future food security challenges.

As the population’s demand for meat increases while the livestock farmland dwindles and animal husbandry continues to affect global warming, many are trying to find new animal protein alternatives to meet consumers’ needs without farming.

“Cultured Pork” — from Lab to Plate — Chula Researcher Hopes to Ensure Future Food Security

A Chula Veterinary Science professor has researched the production of imitation pork from tissue culture of which taste and nutritional value are close to real pork and is prepared to start commercial production hoping to help address future food security challenges.

As the population’s demand for meat increases while the livestock farmland dwindles and animal husbandry continues to affect global warming, many are trying to find new animal protein alternatives to meet consumers’ needs without farming.

CU Innovation Center for Veterinary Clinical Training Provides Simulated Training to Hone Students’ Skills before They Give Real Treatment

Chula opens a state-of-the-art innovation center for veterinary students to practice their clinical skills with a simulated and modern lab classroom to hone students’ skills and develop their expertise and a space for international training to promote veterinary and medical education.


The Beginning of CU Innovation Center for Veterinary Clinical Training (CU IC-VCT)