Digital Universities Week US 2022

Agile education for a digital-first future

Taking a whole-sector approach to higher education’s digital transformation, we will challenge the current university model and transform the institution to deliver agile continuous education. We will uncover how digital technologies can transform teaching, learning and the campus experience in an open, collaborative and innovative way guided by the latest evidence from the science of learning.

Headline sponsor
Monday, May 9, 2022 - 10:00am to Thursday, May 12, 2022 - 5:00pm
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

KAUST offers life-changing fellowship for North American and European PhDs

KAUST campus

The generous KAUST Discovery Doctoral Fellowship offers cutting-edge graduate research opportunities to high-achieving candidates

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia is inviting North American and European PhD candidates to apply for a fully funded doctoral fellowship in 2022.

Solidary with Belarus: this is how the world is changing

In their homeland, they were not only restricted from studying or doing research. They were prosecuted in Belarus for participating in protests or opposition activities. Sometimes the problem could even turn out to be... a cake, eaten together with neighbours, because someone associated it with plotting against the authorities. Now, thanks to scholarships from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA, these people have found refuge in Poland. And all this within the framework of the “Solidary with Belarus” initiative.

The Food Fortress

The Food Fortress- From a crisis to the formation of an innovative food quality assurance scheme 

The Food Fortress scheme developed by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast is recognised internationally as a World-leading risk management and feed quality assurance scheme.

The Food Fortress | Food Chain Safety & Security | Our Research Shapes Worlds

Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland

Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland

Researchers within Queen’s University Belfast have had a profound, sustained and multi-layered impact upon the legal, policy and public understanding of dealing with the legacy of the Northern Ireland conflict.

Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland | Our Research Shapes Worlds