Education for sustainable development


Education for sustainable development provides an opportunity for dialogue between the present and the future. Through education, higher education will change future life to move the vision onwards.


NCKU aims to develop artificial intelligence from multiple aspects. 

Autonomous driving at NCKU

Green Energy Materials

Hierarchical Green-Energy Materials (Hi-GEM) Research Center 

To develop novel green materials, NCKU established the Hierarchical Green-Energy Materials (Hi-GEM) Research Center ( Hi-GEM has four main missions: the development of novel green-energy materials; high-level talent cultivation for green-energy materials research and development; strengthening international cooperation; and enhancing industrial links. 


NCKU’s College of Engineering covers a wide range of fields including aeronautics and astronautics, architecture, civil engineering, hydraulic and ocean engineering. Through the active pursuit of academic excellence and commitment to academic research, it has entered the top 1 per cent of organisations in engineering and material fields around the world. It also entered the top 45 in the World University Ranking for engineering produced by the U.S. News & World Report.

Astronautics and space exploration

NCKU integrates aerospace, aviation, satellite technology and space science to explore space and satellite applications to future intelligent living environments. On the Kuei-Jen Campus in Tainan, the Aerospace Science and Technology Research Center is equipped with a transonic wind tunnel, a Formosa tracking station and other technologies, providing an excellent research site for those aspiring to a career in aerospace technology. On the main campus, various other departments are working on different aspects of space technologies.

Life Science

Agriculture and aquaculture are a part of life, but a stable supply of food faces challenges from climate change and global competition. Southern Taiwan is an important area of agriculture and aquaculture. NCKU has participated in and contributed to agriculture and aquaculture research – including the cultivation and breeding of grouper fish, shrimp disease control and breeding, and orchid genome sequencing and disordering – not only to make outstanding achievements in academic research but also to link research with the industry and enhance industrial competitiveness.

AI Hospital

The National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine – Taiwan’s leading research center for enterovirus, dengue fever, oncovirus, geriatric medicine and neurology – emphasises medical professionalism and humanism in its medical training.