
Enlitened is a continuous improvement platform for student engagement and wellbeing.

Visualizing data to empower individuals

Big data has the potential to change and improve our world—yet understanding and manipulating these massively complex data sets is still far from simple. Simon Fraser University computing scientist Sheelagh Carpendale says this massive data proliferation is revolutionizing how information is available. It is increasingly presented as data, and not everyone feels comfortable understanding data.

University Impact Forum: Health & Well-being 2021

Improving health outcomes, transforming lives

Health and well-being are basic human rights and key indicators of sustainable development. Poor health threatens access to education and work, increases poverty, and limits personal and economic development. Join us to share research ideas and solutions to address the key health conditions and diseases that impact human outcomes around the world, with a focus on SDG3: Good health and well-being. The forum will also provide exclusive insight into the metrics and methodology behind the THE Impact Rankings 2021.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021 - 7:30am to Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 7:15pm
RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences