Philosophy of Science


Western’s philosophy department is world-renowned for philosophy of science. The Rotman Institute of Philosophy builds upon this strength by supporting projects that bring together philosophers, scientists, policy-makers and the public at large. By building bridges between philosophy and the sciences, and drawing upon their respective strengths, its members are better able to address challenges with broad impact on Canada and the world.

Planetary Science & Exploration


By addressing questions of relevance to the study of matters related to planets and space, the Centre for Planetary Science & Exploration has become the country's leading organization providing planetary science and exploration research and training. It strives to provide Canadian and global space programs with the necessary expertise to design and support future planetary mission activities.

Materials & Biomaterials


Western has demonstrated international leadership in materials and biomaterials research, specifically through pioneering work in the development of synchrotron radiation to materials science; the synthesis, characterization and application of materials, particularly lightweight materials; and emerging work in chemical biology and proteins. Western’s researchers are designing, developing and creating new materials from the nanoscale to the macroscale, and producing results that can be loosely grouped into six areas:



For more than 40 years, imaging strengths at Western and throughout London, Ontario have grown from cohesive efforts to connect groups, institutions and platforms across various disciplines. This has resulted in Canadian leadership and one of the top imaging complements in the world. Since 2010, the vast majority of these city-wide strengths have coalesced under the banner of the Biomedical Imaging Research Centre.

Neuroscience/Brain & Mind


For the past 50 years, some of Western’s most internationally recognized research has been conducted in the field of neuroscience. From understanding childhood development to deciphering the neural basis for cognitive functions, Western cultivates an integrated approach to studies of the brain that bring together some of the most accomplished minds at the forefront of neuroscience research, with a specific focus on cognitive neuroscience.

Key Research Initiatives

Child & Youth Development


Our children are our future. Over the past several years, various initiatives across campus, and within the London community, have coalesced in a concerted effort to strategically address barriers to the successful development of our children and youth. From mental and physical health to learning outcomes and capacity-building for parents, teachers, professionals and communities, this work can only happen in close partnership with our communities.