10 steps to cleaner water

3 Nov 2023
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Wastewater contains a great deal of nutrients which have risen in value as natural resources have depleted. Society must show respect for water – it should be protected, purified, refined, and utilized to its full potential.

The world needs efficient separation and purification technologies and their hybrids. Traditional technologies have not been designed to remove harmful substances and microplastics that we currently release into water systems. A circular economy optimizes the overall sustainability of the environment, production and consumption.

LUT University is known for the most wide-ranging water treatment research in Finland and is the country's leading teaching and research community in separation technology. LUT’s experts work on resource recovery from municipal, industrial and agricultural wastewater. The goal is to create a new kind of a sewage treatment plant which will tackle the challenges of the future.

Learn about the 10 steps to cleaner water: https://www.lut.fi/en/articles/10-steps-cleaner-water