Research Statistics and Facts

10 Jun 2019
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Stellenbosch University’s vision is to be Africa’s leading research-intensive university. These statistics show how the University has worked to achieve fulfilment of this vision.

  • 459 SU Rated researchers (as at December 2018)
  • The 4th highest number of rated researchers by the South African National Research Foundation (NRF) across Higher Education Institutions. There has been a 95% growth in the number of rated researchers at Stellenbosch University between 2008 and 2018.
  • More than 70 joint projects with our national science councils
  • Our Central Analytical Facility (CAF) hosts 8 units servicing clients from academia and industry
  • 63% of Stellenbosch University academic staff holds doctoral degrees (as at 2017)
  • More than 2 500 active research contracts, of which 885 new research contracts processed by the University’s Division for Research Development in 2017
  • 44 Research Chairs and 7 Centres of Excellence
  • 305 Postdocs at SU during 2018
  • 33% of the total student body are postgraduate students
  • More than 350 active collaborative projects in 43 African countries with over 780 African collaborators
  • 41 young researchers received Thuthuka bursaries in 2017 to a total amount of R2 495 337.
  • By the end of 2017 more than 145 young researchers benefitted from the National Department of Higher Education and Training development grant for early-career researchers
  • More than 246 bilateral partner institutions in 57 countries on 6 continents
  • During 2017 alone, 15 grants to the value of R37 million were awarded (2014–2017: R169 million). In addition, SU researchers and students were involved in 28 Erasmus+ awards.
  • 107 Total EU Related research collaboration awards
  • More than 2 500 articles published in peer-reviewed journals in 2017
  • Stellenbosch University had the highest weighted research output (publications, research masters and doctoral degrees awarded) per capita in South Africa for 2016 publications.
  • The University also had the highest research publication output per capita in South Africa for 2016 publications.