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American International University West Africa

Banjul, Gambia
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Basic information and contact details for American International University West Africa


Founded in 2011, the American International University West Africa is in Serekunda, the largest urban centre in Gambia.

It offers a variety of medical programmes and all of its courses are based on the American Medical Schools system.

Students can study programmes within any of the five medical colleges: medicine (six year programme), dentistry (five year programme), pharmacy (five year programme), nursing (three year programme), and health professionals (two year programme), for those wanting to become a medical laboratory technician or dental assistant for example.

In addition to its strong medical offering, there’s one more college, with a focus on humanities, finance, management and information technology.

To supplement student’s study, the university has affiliations with the nearby Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital and Serrekunda Hospital.

On campus, students will find 11 laboratories, 24 classrooms, 14 conference rooms, a medical library, a cafeteria and other student facilities.

There’s accommodation available for students. All rooms and apartments have fans, en-suite bathrooms, beds and 24 hour security.

The American International University West Africa offers a small number of scholarships designed to recognise and award academic excellence and provide access to high-performing students regardless of their circumstance.

International students are encouraged to attend the university and the American International University West Africa has strong relationships with universities around the world.

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