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Benguet State University

Impact Rankings 2024
Halsema Hwy, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines

About Benguet State University

Benguet State University is based in North Luzon, Phillipines.

The university covers a broad range of disciplines, but retains elements of its origins as an agricultural training institute. It was founded in 1916 as La Trinidad Farm School, it went through a number of incarnations culminating in 1969 as Mountain State Agricultural College, before becoming a State University in 1986.

The university has colleges in agriculture, teacher education, engineering and applied technology, home economics and technology, forestry, nursing and veterinary medicine, human kinetics, public administration and governance, information sciences, arts and humanities, social sciences, numeracy and applied sciences, and natural sciences.

The main campus is in La Trinidad, with outreach campuses at Bokod, Buguias, Kapangan, Itajan, Kabayan and Kibuyan. The

Explore rankings data for Benguet State University

All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score